Hey everyone! I have some great heroes but not sure which ones to use or where to place them. Here’s what I was thinking, but I keep second guessing myself because it just doesn’t look right.
I wanted to have Ludwig flank alfrike but that seems dangerous. However, I liked the idea of adding Wolfgang to that setup for the wolf bonus. I need at least a single healer, I have a pseudo healer with Wolfgang. So then I’m thinking do I go toxicandra or xnol? So many purples I would love to use but I think I have to make a decision who to bench here. Any help would be appreciated.
Rush is the least forgiving of all the formats: you either get the tiles in the first 2 matches of you’re likely screwed. With that in mind, I think it’s worth trying the Ludwig tank / Alfrike flank. With both of them in the team, you’re encouraging a yellow stack anyway and frankly unless there’s a yellow cascade, those two should have enough defence to survive to fire.
I’d suggest Zekena / Alfrike / Ludwig / Wolfgang / Xman
You know, I initially set it up morel/toxicandra/ludwig/alfrike/asterius I like your suggestions, I’ll consider them. One thing I didn’t consider was going 3/2 like that, so that’s interesting. I think team Korea uses alfrike tank with double ludwig flanks, so I know it’s viable.
If Ludwig goes off with high hp the attacker will have to win in 2 turns or be obliterated.
If Ludwig gets killed Alfrike could still fire and block special skills, Wolfgang would then kill off the other ones.
Any hero after Morel will be able to kill or seriously injure attackers.
Because the opponent needs to use dark to kill Wolfgang and if he does not right away, Xnol will heal him and weaken dark tiles and Alfrike does the rest. Even if Wolfgang gets killed, Xnol and Alfrike might get charged and then it’s gg
My recommendation for your defense would be as follows:
Xnolphod, Frigg, Alfrike, Asterious, Wolfgang
The idea is to use the middle three to cripple the enemy while the wings heal/recharge them. Make sure the magic troop is on Xnolphod because the mana troops gives better defense for Alfrike.
You do not need a healer in rush defense, its over after six tiles.
If you can fire your Alf or your Krampus you have won.
Krampus gives Minions so Pengi can wreck the opponent.
And with Octros and Ludwig you have
additional ways to victory.
Happy gaming