WAR Defence Help

Defence support needed for Rush War . Using Dark as Tank. Please suggest best War Team for me .
Thanks in advance

How do you like Ursena as a tank?

For rush attack war…
I would test out…

Mother North x Justice x Ursena x Ariel x Killhare

… and then share the results here



Hi mate . Really Worked well . Many thanks

****Last Saturday war (My alliance Won)
i) First round 3 times to beat the defense
Second time 5 times
Third time they didn’t came to attack me

****Wednesday War ( My alliance Won )
i} First round 3 times
Second Round 2 times

Sorry for bad English

Many thanks my friend

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If you don’t mention , Can you suggest the team for this upcoming UNDEAD HORDE war ?

Nice. Experiment some more!

I am still figuring out undead horde war also…

Have you used
Uraeus in your line up?

i dint used. if you wish i will add in the next war .

I would try…

Finley x JF x Ursena x Uraeus x Kingston

And see how it works since Uraeus gives sand damage to minion holders


Thanks for the support man. I will post the results as soon ASAP

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Have you seen this thread?

I learned a lot from there … the OP is really on point.


Or switch in Lianna for Kingston, any good sniper on wing

Thanks for the sharing my friend. Really an useful topic. Cheers

I will follow the same my buddy.

Hey buddy
Again its me . Good to see you back. My alliance now changed to green tanks. Can you suggest the team.

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