What are you saving gems for now?


Ever since I got to know that Clarissa was released the same month as GM was featured in Atlantis, I have been saving gems for it. But now with the recent nerf of Clarissa I’m not so sure what to do.
I know I’m not the only one in this situation, and I really would appreciate your thoughts on this.

Thank you.


It’s your decission. I have 1800 Atlantis Coins and will try to get gravemaker. if I get clarissa instead, i will go with her. I’m not picky or whiny if I don’t get him…


Thank you for your response.
I know it’s my decision in the end, but before blowing off 16k gems it would be nice to know what the community thinks of this subject.

I want Almur and Fura, so, Valhalla)

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Next month I’ll have gems for 1x10 pull, and i want to make it in Guardians event, because I have none right now.

it’s a gamble. For this reason I think there is no right time and you don’t have a hero for sure just because you invest a certain amount of gems. That’s why I would say try to get him like I did and if you get something more, then decide what you do based on your situation, your current team.

I got six rings, ten telescopes, and five darts. And no blue, red, or yellow heroes… My tabards went for Kunchen and my potions went for Lianna. No matter what 5* I get - in blue, red or yellow. I’ll level it.

How much you should spend depends on your budget and how much you want a hero.

I would advice take into consideration a fixed budget for the month (or whatever period that makes sense for you). And then split this budget between events, depending on the heroes you want the most. I would say there are 5 events to consider:

  • Atlantis rise
  • Grimmforest
  • New costume release
  • Tavern of legends (right this month?)
  • Valhalla portal

I do not have an answer and I’m also searching how I should spend my gems during May.

Was also initially interested by GM, but now I’m hesitating. I already have JF. If I save these 8400 gemms because I should live with JF instead, then it might be interesting for me to spend a bit in other events.

Of course, we all want to maximize our chances to get new worthy heroes.

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I’m saving gems for epic troop summons. Only 4* troopers are available there and I need some to fill the gap. For hero summons I use Atlantic coins or EHT.

20 very fat Gravemakers

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I saved enough diamonds and tokens to do a 10x Atlantis pull, 10x Fables pull, 10x costume pull and 10x Valhalla pull + some leftovers. May will be fun :slight_smile:

Personally; I am saving my gems for the next costume chamber.

This coming month will be the first to feature the new costumes:

I’m personally looking forward to:

  • Kashhrek → health boost to combat new S3 heroes
  • Renfeld → mini version of Onatel
  • Azar → just boss
  • Little John
  • Caedmon
  • Kiril

You can read more about the costumes here:


Thank you for your detailed answer.
I’m in the exact same position and making the most profitable choices are a bit of a headache.

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I am one of the lucky with Gravy in my roster so I’m saving for Atlantis rises in July. Miki and Ariel are my targets :slight_smile: , and hopefully a desirable HOTM

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Hoping to get Atomos tomorrow

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Yeah Atomos would be nice, too. I haven’t a barbarian and I’ll have to find new ascension materials. But hey, I’d take him.

Thank you @Guvnor.
By the looks of it, costume chamber actually seems more interesting.

July seems nice. Drake, Miki and Ariel are all heroes I really want, and this month it’s only GM. So I’m considering not to pull in Atlantis before july.


I’m aiming for Atlantis.

Had over 1000 gems saved, but saw the


for 500 gems offer, and couldn’t resist.

(1 compass = 1 more maxed hero on my roster)

Also saw Grimforest is coming soon… a few nice heroes there, but I think I’ll have better odds with Atlantis.

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I will probably still go for AR tomorrow depending on how lucky I am with coins. I’ve saved enough for 20x pulls, and I really want both Kage and GM. And I wouldn’t be disappointed about a Clarissa.

If I get what I want only with the coins, I’ll go for either costume chamber or the new Valhalla heroes when they arrive.


I am not after any specific heros and I will be happy to get any non duplicate ones. This is my plan for next month

Atlantis - 1 free pull and 1 10x to get Proteus
Grimforest - coins 43 stored + grimforest event
Costume - 30 keys + quest keys
Velhala - 1 * 10x

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