What are the best 3* Costume heroes(2020)

I just want to know what are the best 3 stars costume heroes!

All the 3 :star2: healers, especially Hawkmoon and Belith. Even Friar Tuck gets an upgrade. Brienne’s costume helped so much in the last Avalon. And Carver is really cool.

SGG put some thought into some of the costumes.


Id like to know it too.

I ended with x3 baltazar and x4 Karil haha
But my purples are already crowded and i only plan to keep max two Karil.

I pulled Renfield too , they say its good now but idk

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Thanks! What about 3* attackers?

Practically all the 3* costumes are good, Azar deals damage to 3 enemies, Balthazar does DoT… I’ve never been a fan of Renfeld or Prisca…

ahahahah i keep getting the same 3* heroes over and over i got like x5 Hawkmoon & x4 Bane&Tyrum

I have seen a post today from @Guvnor saying that his costume spreadsheet will be updated tomorrow.
That will be a great help to everyone asking the same sort of questions for any of the new costumes


Hawkmoon and Brienne

Friar Tuck and Renfield look interesting too

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This one:

I don’t really get into ranking the costumes but I suppose I could with version 2 of that thread.


Thank you. I am sure the forum community would greatly appreciate v2 of the rankings… that should keep you out of mischief lol :slight_smile:

I love Hawkmoon with her costume. She’s a mini boldtusk.


After the releasing of these new 3* costumed heroes . Which six ones do you consider the best?

My list

Berden (?
The jungle girl


Friar Tuck

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I’m not sure about the rest, but list should begin with Gunnar and Hawkmoon. They are already proven. Gunnar appeared in about 1/3 of the top legendary teams of Grimforest challenge event.


You’re assuming they put out their actual teams used and not decoy ones designed to mess you up if you actually attempted with that team. :wink:

In any case, my top 6 list:


and it really hurts me to type this: Renfeld! :scream: :scream: (he becomes a mini Onatel with his costume, which is infinitely better than what the regular version does)


There are definite trolls there, but Gunnar was pretty useful for me in legendary on the lower levels. That chained link Def down is pretty amazing.


The big question is whether Green and Purple teams are now viable for challenges.
Up until now red and blue were very dominant.

I was excited by Brienne’s stats when the Costume Chamber first appeared. I have two max level versions of her (to use one costume and one that is not) - but in practice, I rarely use her.

Wrt. the new costumes - I agree Isshtak (“Green Nordi”) is the most promising due to the possibility green to become a useful stack.

Reinfeld is also interesting - but we need to see in practice. Even if strong by itself, without good synergy with other purple heroes - this is a lost cause.

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I think of this in terms of stand alone value and offering something that no one else does. So:
hawkmoon, gunnar, ishhtak, friar, renfeld, and tyrum.

If considering combining with other heroes, brienne with Kvasir makes that list


She’s not the best for events because to reach her max potential you need to use tiles or minions, and events is all about speed and NOT moving the board much (or at all) and certainly no time for minions.

But she absolutely wrecks blue titans in a green stack, and I do mean wreck. Yes keeping her alive is a challenge, but she’s sturdy enough to survive one hit from an 8* titan, so I always bring healing pots and that sort of does the job.

Also, since minion hits count as “hit”, combine her with any minion summoner and you’ll see how fast even the minions can mow down the mob waves.


seriously, they’re all awesome. what with the high frequency of 3* raid tournaments and how easy it is to max three of them out the day before tournaments start to properly setup the teams- it’s difficult to choose only 6!

I just wish they wouldnt keep coming out of the portal when I’m so obviously trying to get a 5*…

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