What 4* dark should I LB next?

I have Lv75 Rigard and Tiburtus so far can work on the next one now. Got a few on the list here, which one should I pick for my 3rd dark 4* to LB is most helpful, any ideas?
List: Fura, Proteus, Gafar, Merlin, Sergei, Ingolf and C.Sabina

Sergei and Sabina are way above the others. Proteus would be tier two.

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I would go for C-Sabina despite the fact that it doesn’t add any firepower. Sabina was a rarely-used healer for me until I got her costume. Now, I use her every war and will probably level a second one.

I like Sergei’s card but I don’t think I use them optimally so I’ll defer to Ruskin on that one!

Costume Sabina and don’t look back. The buff prevention is fantastic.

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@g8slord Still don’t have C-Sabina on any of my three accounts. Gotta love RNG

sergei proteus sabina merlin

Thanks, Sabina seems mentioned most. But Rigard is also a healer, that will be 2 healers then. In this case, is she still the first choice?

In my honest opinion, and I have all those dark heroes. I would focus on Costume Sabina first, followed by Sergei and then Proteus
Whichever hero you choose good luck


C.Sabina is amazing in the current meta. Stops a massive amount of buffs being applied which can be a life saver. Plus the big HoT.

Sergei is a rocket. EDD in 6 tiles is just crazy good. Or on Titan you leave him charge and you’ve got a Purple Miki/Tarlak.

Proteus is very good but I found blocking the ability to be more useful now then a mana freeze. And in that world Silence is greater than that because you can use when they charged and ready to fire and Proteus fails there sadly.


For me 4* are mainly used during tournaments & events… except some healers & Ferant / Franz, both immediately LB.


  • Which hero do you use daily ?
  • Which hero doesn’t have high emblems & LB will enable more use ?

My Example:
Since I am stretched with Clerics, I recently LB a Rigard with low emblems (7) & he is stronger than Rigard with +14. This way I now have 2 strong Rigards available for war use.

First C. Sabina, then, Sergie, Proteus & Ingolf come to mind for my next 4* dark LB waitlist…

Sabina, Sergei, Proteus, Merlin for me in that order :slightly_smiling_face:

C Sabina…I slept on her for so long and it caused me so much frustration. I avoided cleansers when I started, no clue why. But having her costume is essential imho.

The order for me, according to the heroes I use most: C. Sabina, Proteus, Sergei. Maybe Ingolf as well for fast wars/ tournaments, but I don’t have him maxed.

Fura would be a definite no for me, her hit is weak and the other stuff she does is very occasional and underwhelming.

I use Proteus in every map stage ever. He is better to LB than c-Sabina. She is useful without costume.
So, Proteus, Merlin, c-Sabina is my 5 cent

Thanks all, Sabina seems liked by most, that is helpful/

Why do you need two regards for the war events?

I also have two Rigards for wars :smiley: The answer is simple: He is very sturdy, heals a lot and cleans, very important against so many ailment heavy defenses

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I limit broke sergie costume rigard and tiburtus… next on my list is sabina… who is absolutely necessary considering all the taunt in the game.

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I have 4 Rigards for war events. 3 fully emblemed 1 of them limit broken.
Because I have 2 Proteus and a lot of good purple heros. :slight_smile:

May the rng gods smile upon you the next time around. I am still chasing costume Gormek myself :wink: