Dark 4* limit break question

I have enough aethers to limit break a 4* dark hero. I have already upped Rigard (with a costume) and have a duplicate ready to go. But I also have Sabina, Tiburtis, and Merlin that can also be upped. Which one would be most beneficial. I am a long term player but not very skilful in tactics. Any help and advice will be appreciated.

Sabina costume? 20 characters

If you have Sabine costume, she’s the most useful. If not I’d do Tibs.

I should have been a little more specific. Sabina has 20 emblems, Merlin has one, and none for Tiburtis.

+1 for LB costume Sabina

The costume chamber is opening very soon, so (depending on the number of keys you have / can get) it might be worth seeing if you get lucky with costumes for Sabina or Tiburtus if you don’t yet have one or both.

If you have or can get Sabina’s costume, then I agree with the rest here that she’s a pretty clear LB candidate.

Even if you don’t… it’s not a bad rule of thumb to LB heroes which you use most anyway, and I’m guessing 20 emblems on Sabina means she sees a fair amount of time on the field for your teams….

Having said that, all of these purple 4* heroes remain useful for a good long while (heal+dispel, DD down, mana control) so over time, with enough dark aethers, I’d probably work on them all until and unless you get some clearly superior/more used hero of the same color and rarity.

Sabina, even without costume.
You will use 4* healers on many war teams for a long time. Sabinas dispell is very valuable too.
I have 2 cRigard, 2 Sabinas, 2 cBoldtusk, 2 cMelendors and Lady woolerton for wars. One of each is Limit broken. They are used in every war.

Happy gaming

Do you have another defense down Dark hero? And do you have Tiburtus’ costume? If so go Tiburtus. Otherwise Merlin. Merlin is a great attack hero. Sabina Costume is well worth limit breaking too if you have it. Oh yeah and generally limit break heroes you will be able to give emblems to sooner.

Wow! Can’t believe it, but I scored a Sabina costume on my second of five pulls. Hi ho, hi ho, its off to limit break I go!


Congratulations! That’s a great costume to get: outright blocking as well as dispelling enemy buffs is a persistently strong ability to have (especially if you can get her to fire before an enemy taunt, dodge, riposte, heal-over-time, etc. etc.)

great choice! that buff blocking is super handy, especially against teams with multiple deadly buffers!

Congratulations on the Costume Sabina
That makes your choice of LB so much easier
Good luck

My sabina costume is getting a decent amount of use… But i also use costume tibs in conjunction with sergei… And it makes things easier.

I don’t have Merlin… But all 3 options are fine…