well, i have to confess too
did 21 coin pulls and 2x10 (one was planned for AR february; the other was to be kept… oops) gem pulls
got 4x4* tc20 and the rest 3*… was hoping for the jack and falc…
well, i have to confess too
did 21 coin pulls and 2x10 (one was planned for AR february; the other was to be kept… oops) gem pulls
got 4x4* tc20 and the rest 3*… was hoping for the jack and falc…
Happens to everyone
But there’s always next time
Hope next opportunity goes better
plan is to stash a 10x pull of gems… no more coin hunt… AR from now on
a year later… this becomes a thing.
“Mods: Please close this thread. It has been JF’d”
I just don’t see why people can’t just read and move on. I don’t comment on half of the forum posts these days because I really don’t feel like exciting the trolls and inciting those prone to temper tantrums. What is really stupid is that most of these people are “adults” in some fashion, at least chronologically.
@Guvnor made a post about his experience. He wanted the hero. He got the hero. Posted his results. Cool. Good for him. Sobering experience that was told in a cautionary manner for those who “simply must” have a hero. I contributed my 2 cents and moved on.
He did not, however, state that he lost his job playing E&P, lose his house because he spent on a phone game, crash his car due to hitting a titan while driving or whine at all about the odds. (I mean, most of us would prefer the odds be better… )
If there are folks thinking that their overt negativity is desired: Clue? No. Sure, express yourself. Just don’t defend it and think we give a Grimble about it.
We can give away Grimbles?!?!?!
Also: I agree. Case closed by @PeachyKeen
Was thinking analogous to a rat’s rear… but then I thought how close Grimble was to Grumble. Liked it and went with it. Figure it’s more playful and less inciting to reference a game hero.
Yes, so please wash your hands after handling one.
@Guvnor, thanks for sharing. Besides the disappointment, would it have changed anything if you didn’t get her? Even with what you spent, the odds were still only at 40%.
After having felt entirely unlucky for the past 6 months, I have started tracking my summon odds recently. It helps with your mental sanity when you feel like the universe is punishing you.
I also stick to a budget, after burning myself initially. More than once (and I don’t blame anyone else for that but myself). (Fun sidestory: I was fairly new and Avalon was my first challenge event. I got Arthur and Guin in the first 10 pull or so, and I kept chasing Morgan to about 200 pulls and didn’t get her. What did I know…)
PS: I’m almost afraid to say it: got Panther too in the last event in a ridiculously low amount of pulls, after what feels like a very long dry spell. I didn’t chase anything, just decided to spin the wheel.
Thanks for putting this together Guvnor.
It’s a nice insight as to how much one potentially could spend chasing a particular hero. Nice that you included links should someone want assistance with gambling as well.
Keep the posts coming.
I pulled Chameleon in my first pull. Lol.
Keep cool, just talk, nothing out of line here
Pssst, dont say that
@Coralline, not really. That was the benefit going in for me… I knew I was unlikely so if it worked then yay! If not we’ll sure I’d be disappointed but why curse what was the most likely outcome?
@Devonshire_stork this is in the Op
Somehow @rigs gone full circle:
Thank you. I was caught up in my own topic, and found this topic seconds after. I rush posted lol
Think this can also be included in my clock reference
Special Skill: -98% accuracy, 1000% attack
Lol pretty much
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