Vivica, why not?

Hi everyone.

I’m almost on my way to level a second yellow 5* hero.
As a F2P I was very lucky to get from TC20 both Joon and Vivica, plus Malosi and Poseidon from free pulls. I already maxed Joon (I didn’t have Poseidon already when I did).
Vivica is my only 5* healer since I didn’t pull Raffaele last month and, having already finished Atlantis in both difficulties, I’m not hoping for an Ariel or a past HotM in the Tavern for a long time!
That’s why I’m thinking about Vivica, even without a costume that I would probably never have, as the only 5* healer that I will ever have. But I read different feelings about her, that’s what I’m asking.

My other heroes are

Seshat 4/80
Azlar 4/50 (on the way to max him)
Melendor+8 (hopefully with a costume at next chamber)
Boldtusk+19 (hopefully with costume at next chamber)
Kiril+15 (hopefully with a costume at next chamber)
Kashhrek +9 (hopefully with a costume at next chamber)
Thorne 3/70 (waiting for a better hero to use materials for)
Merlin +6

And almost all the S1 four stars hero except Cyprian and Hu Tao

Is it a good choiche to give darts to Vivica or is it better to give them to Malosi or Poseidon?

Since you already have a bunch of nice 4* healers, Poseidon could be a good option, too.

But you also can’t go wrong with Viv, cause she’s an excellent holy.

I have leveled several healers before hard hitters, but now I have a bit of a lack of damage dealing dudes.


I’d go Poseidon and max another rigard plus costume when you get him.


If you are running raiding setup other than mono, Rigard is a better healer than Viv. And even if you go mono, i would rather level other holy hero than slow Viv. She is my second holy hero after Drake, both obtained in 2018. Still, my Viv is stuck at 3/70 as 5 sets of darts went ascending before her: Joon and costume, Poseidon, Onatel, Gazelle and just recently Rana. I still have 12 darts who will go to 2nd Joon and costume. I may only ascend Viv if i get her costume, otherwise, she will be at 3/70 foreever


+1 for Poseidon, agree with all above argument, need more sniper.
4* Healers are great specially with costume and lvl5 mana troop.

I already have Vivica maxxed, I’m not regret, if I know my feature will get Delilah and Joon, I will not ascend her. But Vivica is solid holy cleanser though. :muscle:


That’s the big part of the problem! She’s a holy cleanser (a slow one, but still does it).
I feel I’m very low on cleanser (getting more important every day), only have Rigard and Sonya-c (plus a second Sonya in the bench at 1/1) . Hoping for a Caedmon costume too but you know, I could max more of them but still are 4* heroes. To make them good to challenge high level raids or wars you have to put emblems on them. Which I cannot afford to have more than 1 fully ascended!


I pulled Vivica from my TC20 as well. I had her custom from the initial custom event before they started giving you the Hero with the custom. I also don’t have 5* healers, average or slow, except for Raffaele which I just pulled a couple of weeks ago. I’m definitely going to max level Vivica! She would be a huge addition to my roster regardless the negative press. If I get some of the better 5* healers in the future, I’ll decide what to do at that time!

Look at your roster. IF you have the ascension materials and you think she will play a role in your style of play, then level her and enjoy. Good luck! :wink:


Why not?

Season 1 5* without costumes have quite low stats compared to the latest HOTM’s, season 3’s and even some season 2’s.
On the faster heroes, they still get to fire… On the slower ones, especially without costumes or emblems, sometimes they just don’t get to fire.

When Vivica does fire, it’s a significant heal, cleanse and very helpful defence boost. When she doesn’t… Well, I hope you weren’t relying on it.


Okay, so why do it?

Beggars can’t be choosers?

If you have large numbers of materials to use and don’t summon regularly, then she’ll be useful and you might as well do it - sure, there might be better heroes, but 5* are still 5* and it you get them emblemed it can still improve your bench.


I think viv has a pretty high attack stat compared to the other 5* healers.

I think her biggest disadvantage (reason why I said Poseidon) is speed, especially in today’s meta.

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If anything, that part of the problem… If she were high defence/HP instead then she’d survive to fire more often at slow.

It’s all just a bit of a mismatch to that slow speed.

Of course Delilah has a similar stat make up (just a touch higher on all three) but average speed makes her a more reliable pick.

It’s all a balancing act one way or another… I just don’t find Vivica a particularly useful hero these days (if I had her costume, she certainly would be!)

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Would you say you don’t find her particularly useful for war… or generally not useful anywhere?

I have not used her in war since I got ladyW… and even before then, I was frustrated bc I also use gazelle. But I think maps and events could be made easier with her. :thinking:… again, not changing my mind over maxing Poseidon first… just think she still has a little left to give.

If I use her in wars, it’s for a grindy team with another (faster) healer on there too, usually a different colour.

It’s made worse by my refusal to emblem her, but there’s so many better heroes that it feels like you’d waste a fee hundred emblems just to bring her up to par with +0 heroes from more recent times.

Having said that… Obviously Delilah makes the cut as primary holy healer, which inevitably kicks Vivica out on maps and raids, there’s just far more potential there (and much better class for a healer).

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Agreed. But the unlikelihood of obtaining Del over viv makes viv relevent still imo.

I had her emblemed… stripped for someone… I forgot who, it’s been so long :rofl::rofl:

Vivica is also my next holy project, despite a lot of bad press. :joy:
I have maxed couple of slow heros and didn’t regret it. There are ways to make them fire, and I tought it should be definitely the case with a holy slow hero - because there are many mana controlers. Personally I use quite often Mist and Malosi paired, and if I get any yellow tiles, I could buy some time… If not, well, she would’t help me much even if she was fast. :joy:

Friends, are you serious when you say that Poseidon is cooler than Malosi? Did you play the Malosi card? It’s just an imbic map!!! Steeper Malosi attacking yellow heroes do not exist today. I tell you this based on the experience of using all the yellow heroes in full leveling in various situations of the game.

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She she still has impact when she fires.

And the general lack of good holy healers is very much relevant.

Gullinbursti shares Vivica’s slow problem, with lower stats as you’d expect from a 4*… He’s fun, and great on maps/challenges (I dropped Vivica for him for class trials recently), but lacks the meat to impact significantly in raids.

Lady Woolerton (or Ewe-sless as I comically refer to her as sometimes) has her own problems… Without serious amounts of emblems or rare 5* teammates like Poseidon, she winds up fast once and the slow for the rest of the match.
Making matters worse, she shares a class with Rigard who does far, far more… I’d +20 at least 3 Rigards before I’d even consider letting her keep any, he’s just that much better at everything except being yellow :joy:

I can still tell you who mine was :joy:

White Rabbit.


I just love to hit Telluria, c.Rigard, JF with Malosi… And some others who become totally useless. Don’t have Poseidon, but Malosi is super cool. :metal:

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Malosi is so niche…
With a deep bench, he’s great. But when you don’t have many damage dealing options, his noticeable pillow-fistedness would be a real problem.

He’s great in raids again status effect casters, no question… For most everything else, Poseidon’s just does more.


Fake hero along with G panther Ariel grave… and many many more.

But seriously. Congrats on WR!

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disagree ))) 20 bananas