Vela or the other fella?

Which blue to ascend?

I’ve been leveling Vela, but with the nerf discussion I’ve also got Richard, Aegir, Magni, and Miki waiting at 3/70.

Are you looking for a strict replacement of Vela? Do you need a tank or a sniper?

Tell us more about the rest of your roster.

Btw, Vela will still be great after the rebalance, I suspect, for what my opinion is worth.


In my honest opinion, I would wait to see what Vela looks like in v.30 release after balancing.
She should still be good so ok to go with her.
However if you need a tank then Aegir followed by Richard.
If you need a hero for Titan then Miki.
And if you need a fast sniper to flank your tank then Magni
Whichever hero you choose, good luck


Thanks. Other blues I have maxed are:

Ariel +11
Alasie +3

My alliance uses Holy tanks, so I run Drake +9. Otherwise I plug Ariel in. I have Heimdall at 3/70, too. I have a hard time landing solid tanks.

I would wait to see if vela is still valuable or not. Right now with the extra damage removed I don’t think she’s more valuable than Magni wether on offense or defense.

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So personal advice: Miki

He is op on titans, thats for sure. A few mana pots an the titan will never fire, eat a peep-load of damage… way stronger than tarlak and ranvir.

If thats not what you like and need more pvp, I think I still would go with vela.
Damage vs red is not crucial in offense, and she is also great on titans vecause -54% attackdown (its like turning 14* titan to 8*)
You have a sniper, a healer, a heavy hitting color def downer. Vela seems to complete your blue, as she pre-hits your targets, alasie hits very hard, and probably the water damage could bw enough to let the target bleed out over 3 rounds.

Have fun :wink:


Thanks everyone! It helps to have help thinking these things through.