Valor pass poll

I voted early saying I purchased it and would complete (and still will) but would like to see a poll asking if you would do the same next PoV. Personally, I am finding it a bit of a drag and would hold off buying the pass until near the end next time if I look like finishing…not necessarily right at level 50

I occasionally buy stuff, but didn’t bother with this - that wasn’t a poll option. I figured pretty quickly that it would get boring / annoying so didn’t go there. Happy enough to get as far as I get rather than be forced to do everything on an arbitrary list

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I agree. Hopefully the next PoV will simply play out in the background. I’ll continue my game but I don’t mind playing the daily challenges. I won’t put extra effort into trying to win the tourneys just for PoV, so I’m not going to spend gems to continue.

We’ll be fine on our titans and I always finish the monthly challenge quests anyway. I’m still on the fence about whether the cost of PoV is worth the rewards.

I ended up buying this one as after re-activating my VIP Pass I will most likely finish it easily.

However, this put me over my usual budget and will be off the VIP pass for a couple of months to balance it out - hence I won’t really bother with the next PoV.

I still think it’s way too demanding to finish this one.

I bought the Valor Pass the minute it was available as I was confident I can finish it. I didn’t go alliance hopping (as I am the leader of my little group) and we didn’t require mercs even if we face rare titans. I truly believe that the 35 titans killed in 50 days is doable. It is just a matter of titan management, which to kill and when to let it go. In 11 more days, most of us need to kill 6 titans (others require 5 as they were able to login when POV began while a few of us were able to kill the titan before the POV thus no titan POV points), including the current one we are facing. Heck, we are even comfortably on a stage to kill and allow to escape titans alternating each day and get the final POV reward/s.

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I’ve been F2P since I started, but it looks like I will complete POV by the skin of my teeth. My biggest struggle has honestly been the hero summons. Since I am allowed to miss the last tier of summons, that was the only one I could not complete. I have 31 more summons to go, so I’m feeling confident that I can achieve that. With that being said, I will probably pay the $10USD for all the premium stuff. Seems like a good enough deal to warrant the purchase. Hopefully next POV won’t have such a narrow margin of failure in order to complete! If they upped the dailies from 125 → 150, that would be less stressful.

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Didn’t buy and never will. Valor Pass is a slap in the face in my opinion and clear sign that if you want to really enjoy the game - you must pay. Yes, scoring high in Challenge Events also requires spending a lot of money but it’s not clearly stated and you’re not forced to buy anything.

POV, and the pass, are not a slap in anything. It’s purely voluntary. If you don’t want to bother with it, just carry on doing whatever it is you do, open the POV window on Day 50 and see if you’ve got any freebies. There really is no downside to it.

I’ve paid the £10 because I didn’t realise you could buy at the end instead (but I’d probably forget to, and anyway the rewards were worth collecting on the way up, so I’m not sorry). It’s kind of forced me to do tournaments, darn it, but actually they’re not as awful as I feared and I might carry on doing them out of the Valour season, so I should thank it for that. It’ll be a bit close to the wire at the end simply because I failed to sign up in time for the first tournament, but fortunately am able to afford a few gem continues as necessary (put it down to the price of experience). The other difficult one is going to be the titans, as I am in a casual alliance, which I mostly like, but some members are, shall we say, more casual than others. Don’t really want to move. We’ve come a long way together in the last year or so. The point is really, as others have said, the titan one is the only challenge that depends on other people to help you complete it. Perhaps change it to a certain number of hits like the daily is, make it a fairly high proportion of the available flags, but remove the level requirement? That will reward the player for logging in frequently but won’t penalise anyone for belonging to the alliance of their choice.


Today being the last day of valor pass , I have closed the voting . Thanks for the vote .

@zephyr1 @Guvnor can you kindly close this thread.