I just unlocked the season and have been able to accumulate 300 coins.
Should i pull now or wait until next evebt when i should have 10? I guess i have the same question for all the events.
I just unlocked the season and have been able to accumulate 300 coins.
Should i pull now or wait until next evebt when i should have 10? I guess i have the same question for all the events.
In my opinion it’s best to do 10 pulls if possible but I don’t think it matters to be honest
Im not sure it does either, especially if the pulls arent done with gems all at once.
It’s just luck, but when you do 10 in a row and get a 5* it’ less frustrating
Im level 29 and still waiting on my first 5*.
When i do get one, i fully expect it to be one of the 5* I see on every other players roster near my level. Seems like every teami face in raids who have one 5* all have the same ones of a very small group.
But its all just chance of course lmao
Thank you, yeah I think the Summons x 10 benefit is just that you get a discount (aka 3000 gems for 10 pulls at once vs 3500 gems if you buy them seperatey… and you save time. (30 gem pulls as a single action saves more time and more gems, 8400 vs 9000 for 3x 10-pulls vs 10500 for 30x 1 single gem pull at a time).
There’s no discount for doing multiple coin/token pulls, right? And the same odds, I believe?
Yeah thats how i understand it. Guess it doesnt hurt to use the tokens i have now then.
My suggestion is to wait until the costumes come
Same, if u r lucky, u get 5*
There are some good 3* and 4* heroes in S4. If your roster is not deep, I’d pull now and have some more heroes available for tournaments, events, etc
Ive got 25 costume keys waiting.
What do the costumes have to do with underwild?
Very nice that you’ve unlocked it already I would wait - but that’s just me
It’s all rng anyway. Good luck
Keys are only for S1 with their own portal (masquerade). The S2/S3 costumes comes together with those coins that you will be pulling. S4 would eventually get costumes and they will be featured in that portal
I ended up holding them, thanks for the information guys!
I have heroes im currently working on now anyway.
Speaking of costumes, should i hold onto those keys as well for now?
New costumes are arriving soon for masquerade. Until they arrive, I would refrain from pulling
If you hold on to them, you can wait till Hulda shows up. She is an absolute monster hero.
I think the new update said there would be new heroes in the chamber.
Yea, new S1 costumes
There are various factors.
Did you pull the HOTM Tahir already, if yes, then you can hold on to the coins. If not, you can try some pulls as he is a pretty decent snipper for a HOTM.
How much money are you throwing into the game. If you are Free to play then better hold on to the coins until you have some great cards featured (Xnol, Hulda etc). If you are a spender then throw in what you got.
How many projects are you doing right now. If you have some good or decent 4 and 3s that you have in pipeline then focus on them while saving the coins for a different month.
I personally stored all the coins and pulled at the end of the season. I made around 89 pulls with just coins and ended with 0 5 stars and some not so useful 4 stars from the season and plenty of 3 stars that got eaten up. So it can be frustrating. 1 whole year for lot of feeders.