Saving up for some 30+pulls, s3 vs s4?

Hey all, im c2p and am saving up for 30pulls. Was wondering where best to spend it on. S3 vs s4?

I realize that I will most likely get 3/4* heroes…

That being said I have majority of the s3 3 and 4* heroes already, except for Jott. And my only 5* from s3 is Fenrir. I did an 18pull from s4 and got all of the 3* and the 2 red 4*, Mack and s4 version of Sumle :joy:. I still dont have Griffin, s4Peters and s4blue-Jabber. I did get Elizabeth which is fiiiine… will level her up and use her fast before she gets nerfed :joy::joy::joy:.

So where hould I go for my next 30pull? Hoping to get 5* from the pulls.


IMO you should wait 3-4 months and then summon S4, thwre will be some new 5* then and maybe a new 4*


Have you considered Ninja Tower for Sapphire and Ametrine? Both are great Epic heroes. If you luck into a five star great!


Season 4 or the Ninjas

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What other 5* heroes do you have? It’s too bad there aren’t any 3* ninjas, but 4 out of 5 5* ninjas are among the best heroes in the game.

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Yup. Got my hands on a sapphire. I see the ninja tower event coming up…

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Aside from vanilla s1 heroes, i have Kageburado, Mother North, Onatel, Margaret, Telly, Grazul, JF, Bertilla, Glenda, Rafaelle, Tarlak. And a few other HOTMs

I agree with potentially holding off for a few months until more S4 heros are released, that way you’ll get any new releases and (hopefully) not many that you already have.

Thoughts on pulling during the Costume Chamber?

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Tbh, while i know the costumes make the s1 heroes better, im not entirely excited about them. Save maybe for cMarjana who gives elemental def down…

Costume Chamber is a great place where pull imo . Ninjas are great (but only 1% to get a 5 stars), otherwise i think that S3 is still the best portal where go all in: Jott is a great add to titan and events team, and there’s some heroes that are actually the best you can find (Odin, Frigg, Alfrilke; Skadi, Sif…)
Otherwise, if you’re able to wait 4 months (i’m not :rofl:) wait the next heroes release in S4 is probably the best choice

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Fair point. Some do have great costumes like Khagan, Thorne, and Leo. (Marjana being the hot commodity right now). Plus some great 3/4*
…but can pale in comparison to S3 and S4 heroes when paired side-by-side. I say stave off the temptation to pull, gather S4 coins, and then give it your all :100: :game_die:

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