Hey all!
So I’m looking around for a legit way to become an absolute trolling dead stop for late wars and I’ve been tossing around thoughts on what a team like that might look like.
Currently I have:
Mother North, Kunchen, Guinevere
And I am considering chasing down Aegir since he’ll be up this month (in theory).
But with alliance wars, is there a team that can time people out, and frustrate them into play mistakes, that is all or very heavy healers?
Here’s my thoughts:
Option 1 - Mother North, Kunchen, Guin, Aegir, Alby/Mother North
Obviously I like the Idea of double stacking Mother North/Alby effects, as it could protect against snipers better in a long war. Adding in Guin who steals mana, and that creates urgency for your opponent to get off their attacks.
Option 2 - Mother North, Kunchen, Guin, Black Knight, Aegir
Black Knight could be pretty decent at protecting Mother North here. Especially in the secondary slot, where Guin might have fallen to a strong color stack right away, and hopefully you get BK off before a strong stack goes off. This could keep them off of Mother North, and every X amount of fights, things could get ugly against a stack (which already is a high risk/high reward strategy).
Option 3 - Mother North, Guin, Kunchen, Onatel, Aegir
Stacking those two yellow mana reducers right behind Kunchen seems almost abusive. Again, this is about creating urgency with your opponent. What’s their plan? Stack against Kunchen then face Guin + Onatel at a disadvantage all while Mother North charges? Try to clean out Mother North ASAP while dealing with Kunchen and two mana reducers readying to go into a loop? That just seems very very tough to face.
Option 4 - Mother North, Kunchen, Guin, Aegir, Marjana/Anzogh
Solid defensive abilities with really only one good 5 star option to dispel in Zeline. Or your opponent has to dip into 4 stars to grab Sonya/Cademon/Melendor/Sabina. With say a Marjana, you’re going for a great sniper, with Anzogh, you’re got more damage going out, with yet another healer.
What do you guys think? I’ve seen plenty of posts about healer teams not working, but I feel like we’ve gotten some really great options out there now and not many 5 star dispel to worry about.
Would 2 revivers be worth it on the flanks? And if so, could you deal enough damage/hold long enough to time them out? Especially on say, an arrow barrage war, where they are taking damage every few rounds.