Please help me make the best defense and offense team combination possible!

Hey guys!! I would love some help brainstorming the best combination to make the strongest offense and defense (mostly defense, since offense is pretty situational and fluid) team given my available heroes!

Here are my heroes:

Santana - max
Guardian Panther - almost max

Vivica - max
Drake Fong - almost max
Inari - 2/40
Delilah - 2/32

Alasie - max
King Arthur - almost max
Magni - 3/20
Misandra - 2/35
Aegir - 2/37

Horghall - almost max
Mother North - almost max
Elkanen - 3/55
Lady Locke - 2/60
Morgan Le Fay - 1/1

Gravemaker - max
Azlar - 3/70
Mitsuko - 3/44
Khagan - 3/20
Queen of Hearts - 1/1 (just pulled)

What do you guys think? Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! :grinning:

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With the heroes you have currently maxed (or almost maxed), I’d go with this defense:

Mother North - Alasie - Gravemaker - Drake Fong - Sartana


For defense, Mother North in the left corner. Delilah at tank. Flanks Alasie and Sartana. GM in the other corner

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Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!

I’ve got enough mats to fully ascend another hero from each color. Delilah will get my darts, and Queen of Hearts has got a reservation on my rings.

What about my ice and nature, do any of my current heroes deserve scopes or tonics? Or should I hold out for better heroes?

Actually Alaise is the best blue hero for PvP and Mother North synergize pretty well with the QoH and Delilah (Delilah is a fighter and will be able to self resurrect while QoH would need some cover for her minion) on top of being able to resurrect with a 50% chance.

What kind of “better hero” would you like? PvE ones like Tarlak, Athena or Mrs. PolarBear?

I agree that you already have a top shelf defense! As for using scopes/tonics, don’t be in too big a hurry and wait to see what happens with hero rebalancing in the next update. Some may get a buff, and others may get a Nerf, so I’d let the dust settle from that before using 4* mats. You could start taking them to 3/70 to pass the time.

I would love Tarlak and Athena! I’ll just have to see how Atlantis summons treats me…

Mrs. Polar bear? Haha is that the upcoming Hotm? I thought I saw a polar bear card somewhere in the dark crevices of the internet…

Yes, she will be a medium speed G. Panther :slight_smile: