Trying to build a team around boss wolf

Just maxed, and emblem-ed Boss Wolf. Was trying to build a good team around him but doesn’t seem to hold up as well as expected. Not a big sample size, 10 loss, 2 win, but it actually dropped back into platinum from 2700 trophies overnight with this line up:

Zeline +10, Poseidon +12, Boss Wolf + 8, Ariel +10, Mistuko +11

I have had the most success with:

Poseidon +12, Zeline +10, Mitsuko +11, Ariel +10, Seshat +12

Here are all my maxed 5*. Can anyone give me recommendations on a really good defensive team? Boss wolf doesn’t need to be in the line up, but since hes new to me I would prefer some builds for him in the line up. Assemble some Boss Wolf tank line ups, and any random line up you think would be best and I will try them out. Here are my 15 maxed 5*s. Thanks!

I’d go Yurple with Seshat Rana BOSS Poseidon Khiona but I hate putting Khiona on the wing so maybe Ariel for the family bonus…but it’s hard to judge Boss or anyone without knowing your troops. I prefer crit troop for BOSS

Disclaimer: I’m a noob so take this as just some thoughts and not advice

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How about Mitsuko-Zeline-Aegir-Seshat-Poseidon?

If you want to tank with Boss Wolf, maybe you can go with Poseidon-Ariel-Boss Wolf-Zeline-Mitsuko.


I have 1 Mana troop lvl 15 and 1 Crit troop lvl 15 for each element. And rest at lvl 1.


That is my suggestion.

I presently go G-B-P-Y-R on my Bosswolf defense with excellent effect.

In other words, your lineup is fine, but just jostle it around a bit.

I also have high-level mana troop on Boss. (22)


IMHO The main issue I in your roster is that Ariel must be in that team 100% this overlap the mana regen buff with wolf.

No boss wolf:

Seshat, Poseidon, Mitsuko, Ariel Zeline. Order could vary.

Zeline, Ariel, Mitsuko, Khiona Poseidon

Zeline, Ariel, Khiona, Grazul, Poseidon

If you go Boss wolf you may find useful the elemental link with Khiona and Seshat:
Khiona, Grazul, Boss, Ariel, Seshat (maybe a little passive but built to keep boss alive, Khiona loses much utility in the wing)

Zeline, Aegir, Boss, poseidon, ariel (I wouldn’t rely on this except for Field aid AW, due to the healer in the wing)

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Aegir does really well in wars, but he hasnt performed well for me in raid defense. I had him and Mitsuko trade off tank position for awhile before I maxed Ariel/Boss Wolf. IMO Mitsuko showed more promise in the tank position once emblemed up.

I suppose ill need to test more than a few days with different BW set ups. I just got him maxed a few days ago. Was just strange to wake up in platinum with him. Was expecting a drop in cups, but not that far.

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I think, zeline , Ariel, boss, Poseidon and seshat could be a nice defense team.

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