So in this one TC11 I have over 11 thousand trainings cued. What the heck (if anything) should I do with them? I’ve been questioning if there isn’t some other place they could be and I don’t shy away from long in-game projects. Or are they just better off where they are? I keep 1 TC20 going, to TCs for feeders, and this one TC 11 to bank recruits. I don’t currently use the TC20 to bank food cause I rarely if ever have a surplus. Thanks for any thoughts!
Yep. Good luck waiting for approx 2.5 years finishing that queue.
My one TC20 and one TC11 each are at over 360 days queued. My other TC is doing TC2 functions while the last TC is convertible to TC1, TC3, TC11 and TC19 functions.
The beat way to dispose your recruits is by placing them at your TC20 or for HA requirements on training troops.
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Running HA9+10 will burn through an additional 70 recruits per day, so thats a start. Also farming S1 9-1 instead of 8-7 helps, has less recruits and more or the same of everything else thats useful.