Trainer hero advice

I understand what a trainer hero is but not sure what the best way to use them. I have a red *2 player who is maxed out at level 20. The trainer hero is red. I hear you get more if you match colors of characters. Is it still beyer value to use the trainer hero on the red color or use it to train a character of another color? I have two *3 characters still at *1.


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You get like 300 more exp max if u use it on the same Color

Should not really matter

So I’ll be d be better off using it on another character since they still have room to ascend?


definitely don’t waste them on 2 stars

also a tip, train “low cost” heroes overnight, that way u will level heroes faster


Well I don’t have a lot. I’ve only been playing a few days. I have a red and green that are maxed out at 2. Then I have *3 in the other characters but they are only at level one.

So it’d be better to user the trainer on the cheapest of the three?

i dont know what u mean by cheapest but use it on the best 3 star that u got

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Will do. Appreciate it.

I’d save trainer for a 4 or 5*. Trainer will advance your 3* very quickly and thus limit chances to raise special before max


Hi. There are already some topics about trainer heroes, but I could not find any answer on when to actually use them? I normally save them for 5* heroes, when I get them, but I can imagine that you do not want to use them from the start since leveling at the beginning is fairly cheap, but at what time you want start using them?

Thanks for the help!

I do not have a specific level when I start feeding trainerheroes. What I do is to have a look at the stats of the hero and when I consider them usable I stop giving them feeders and level them slowly with the trainers tickling in from chests etc.
I currently level Zeline and my benchmark was Caedmon +9. I stopped at 4-60 and she is now at 4-76 while I am working on 2 other 5*s with normal feeders. Until then Vivica was getting the trainers.

To explain further: I barely run out of heroes to level hence I also do not have trainerheroes stockpiled.

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The only reason to save trainer heroes is to save food later on. Some people believe the bigger boost is beneficial closer to the end of the final tier. If you have the roster space and patience, then it’s helpful to have them to get through the last 20 levels where everything seems to grind so slowly. I never wait anymore personally and just use them right away.

Hey mate,

This has been asked several times before so advice would be to use the search function:

On addition it is discussed several dozen times on various other threads :stuck_out_tongue:

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Cool man thaks
