Too many pulls, new heroes, ... strategy needed!

Hey folks,

with far too many pulls at wonderland and atlantis, some new options appeared - and I need some advice on leveling. We all know how hard it is to get all the 4 star AM, so mistakes to be avoided.
Red and purple are clear, no may options… but yellow and blue and green needs decision:

For the record, the relevant four stars are available and maxed, so focus is on the 5 stars:

Mok-Arr 1.1
3 tabards… so I hope until the tabards come in, a nice purple 5 star says hello, too

Red Hood Max
Marjana 3.70, waiting for rings, no other red 5 star in roster

Yunan 3.70
LotL 3.70
Lianna 3.something
Tarlak currently raised to 3.70, freshly received
Kingston dupe 1.1
Margaret 1.1

Inari 3.70
Leonidas 2.something
Ranvir 2.something
Ranvir dupe 1.1
Neith 1.1
Vivca 1.1 (new)
Rana dupe 1.1
Justice 1.1

King Arthur+3
Miki 3.70
Richard 3.70
Misandra 1.1 just received
Alice 1.1 just received
Perseus 1,2 and 3 just received
Thorne 1.1
→ just finished 2 of my 4 new Valerias who came in for a bite during the chase for Victor…

So, now:

Defense is not focus, it is about raids, AW and titans, and of course FUN and variety.

for green 2 tonics missing, and I want to go with LotL now (was hard decision for Kingston already and I cannot surpass her again). Tarlak shall work at 3.70, we are fighting 7-8 star titans, hopefully approaching 9stars soon.

for yellow: AM in stock to one holy 5star. I like Inari most. Neith seems for me below expectation/below average. I do not like vivca and when going with LotL for green I have 2 five star heelers who are both superior. No need for justice or neith, think would rather prefer Leo then. Ranvir no option with Tarlak and Miki, and I get more and more annoyed from the misses from Wu…
Would like to have poseidon, but I do not have and do not plan lot of pulls in near future (although it is so tempting…)

Blue, a hard one:

I would bring first Alice to 3.70, then Misandra, then one Perseus. Actually, he is perhaps not too bad. But here I am unsure especially about Misandra? Is she an A card? Alice probably pretty good, but boring as well. Misandra more useful than Alice? Perseus probably falling short compared with Alice and Misandra?
It will take some time for final ascension, as I only have 1 scope - unfortunately. But who would you chose?

What are your thoughts?
Does it make sense that way?

Ah, and I am currently running the following defense:
Any better idea? Holds me well in diamond, and serves well in AW, but if it can be improved with what I have, I am open for any suggestion.

Thanks for taking the time and your opinions!!!

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Ice (Blue): Miki, Alice, Misandra.
Thoughts: Based on other perspectives on Perseus, he is underwhelming and doesn’t fulfill any of his roles well. (Too weak of a sniper, too ineffective of a status ailment, dispellable buff). So if you’re trying to be conscious of Ascension materials and potential pulls in the future I would avoid investing in him any time in the near future.

Nature (Green): Lady of the Lake, Yunan, Tarlak, Lianna.
Thoughts: Tarlak is great on raid attacks and between Miki & Tarlak you should just decide which titan attack buffer you raise up.

Holy (Yellow): Inari, Vivica, Ranvir (if you don’t have a maxed Wu Kong), Leonidas.
Thoughts: Inari’s tile damage is near the top, healer’s are a premium and then Ranvir is a better Wu Kong with an attack.

I’m no expert though…see if anyone else agrees with my assessment.

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@Calling_Demon Here is what I personally recommend if I had your roster:

Yellow: Ranvir, Leonidas, and Inari. I put that order because having two Ranvirs is better. I didn’t put Neith because you said you might not use her. Inari because of tile damage and Leonidas is a significant upgrade from Chao.

Blue: Hot doggy dude! 3 Perseus?! I would say Miki, Richard, then Alice. Alice’s niche is the same as White Rabbit’s and I know she shines in the Ursena fight. Alongside healer heavy teams in raids. From what I have been able to figure out about her and White Rabbit is that they punish healers and if that is your thing, then upgrade Alice first. Miki because he is good to have for fire titans where you don’t really want to take Tarlak to. And Richard because he is a really good pally with attack down.

Nature: LoTL, Kingston, Yunan. You definitely have to go with LoTL first because those minions sapping the mana is flipping insane!

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Yeah, thanks for these opinions already. LotL ,ist get tonics (in between I already wished I ascended her first…). With Miki and Tarlak, I fell that they serve sufficient at 3.70 for the 7/8 star titans we fight at the moment. So, perhaps they or at least one them are/is next round for 4 star AM only.

@Aunty_Krauser you would really put Inari third in line?
Blue, yes it is really three Perseus :rofl:(already two in one 10x) I will further read about Misandra as I have no real opinion on her, but remember that she snapped at me in a raid pretty nasty… Basically, I have enough warm capes to bring all three to 3.70 just need to do it one by one more or less (or skip Perseus and finish a third Valeria) I currently run three green TCs to level up specials from Tarlak, then will switch to three blue TCs before to level specials from the blue 5stars. Then flexible on feeding…

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Guys, I need some more experience :slight_smile:
Still torn for blue:
I think up to now Miki still serves ok at 3.70 for 7/8 star titans we fight, so I would queue him.
Perseus will be last in line (with 4 in stock I will have to work on one at some time, but later…)
So it is between Richard, Misandra, Alice who is first up:
Fokus is raids and AW (for red titans I bring Miki-kiril-Grimm-Arthur-Ariel, so this team is fairly ok).
I see Misandra quite some time in raid defense teams (but honestly do not fear her so much as others).
I tend to Alice a little over Misandra, then Miki (if we approach fatter titans), then Richard - and if nothing new says Hi…
So any more exp. from Alice and Misandra users?