i have a question regarding Guinevere:
i have 5 darts and 6th should arrive soon… and i wonder if i should ascend her or not…
Looking around here in the forum i see that some people
- think she (still) is very good (or the best tank)
- think she is ok but not more and not difficult to beat
so i’m not sure what to do:
right now i run this defense:
Evelyn+13, Frida+9, Gravemaker+6, Melendor(costume)+20, Richard+1.
this defense usually keeps me in diamond (sometimes close to 2400)
i’m thinking of having:
Evelyn+13, Gravemaker+6, Guinevere(+11), Melendor(costume)+20, Frida+9
so i wonder if i should replace my gravemaker tank by guinevere…
i have ~700 emblems for Guinevere which would bring her to +11 or so i think…
do you think this is a good idea?
I do have Joon at 3.70 right now which would be an alternative… and plan to pull at next
Atlantis where Poseidon is featured (could be another alternative if i would pull him)
Other maxed yellow 5 stars: Leonidas and Ranvir.
what do you think? To Guin or not to Guin that is the question…
Thanks in advance,