To all players who need help with killing Titans

Went into global chat and peer support chat to see what’s happening there and learn something myself.

While I was happy to learn a lot (thanks to all who answered my questions there) I was also amazed by the tons of cries for help with killing titans of various level - from 1* (yikes!) to 14*.

Now I understand that for smaller alliances, even with party members who have deep 4* and 5* rosters it’s impossible to kill a titan with a total of 8 purple flags per person.

And what I think players who constantly ask for help with killing titans should understand that this way they’re not progressing and not helping themselves. Today, say, they will receive help with killing a 5* titan, and tomorrow they will once again plea for help with the 6* titan…it’s basically a neverending circle.

So, I’d offer my advice to anyone who wants to read it, because I think that would be a realistic help - not babysitting them constantly and killing every new titan for them.

First word of advice: If there is insufficient people in your alliance to beat titans, change that ASAP.

1st way to change that: Have every active member in your alliance develop one, maybe even two side accounts purely devised for titan hits. It’s not so hard if you don’t pay attention to those accounts full-time. But even a low-leveled account can do much damage with 8 total purple flags, moreover newer accounts level up faster and those flags can be 11, or even 14 per titan.

2nd way to change that: Disband your current alliance of 2 or 3 players and have them all seek a bigger alliance to join.

Second word of advice: If the current titan level is unrealistically high for your team, drop to the power level of the titan you’re fine with and you can regularly kill. It’s much better IMO to comfortly slay five 5* titans per week rather than struggle with two 6*…

Third word of advice: Learn the basics for battling titans! For example, not so many players know that debuffing (decreasing the defense) of a titan is much more important to buffing. Especially if you attack the titan with a low-level team and expect a lot of hero casualties. A dead hero loses his attack boosting buffs, but still inflicts more damage on a defense-debuffed titan. Also, using items like minor mana potions, arrow attacks and bear banners increases the productivity of your lower-level teams vs the titans.


Oh my, I wonder if you realise mercing titans is a great source of food / iron. Sometimes you can’t quite finish a titan, so posting on Global chat for an assist, I’ve found is a win:win for all parties concerned :sweat:.

@JekylandHyde covered the benefits of mercing in one of his series of interviews.

Anyway, we can agree to disagree on the titan advice you offered - It would be presumptuous of me to give titan advice, given I’m unaware of where players are in their E&P journey. Have a nice day.

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Absolutely. But @JekylandHyde discussed it several months after this topic was created in the first place…

However, the thing which can and will often happen if you merc the regular way is: You can be kicked out of the alliance which requested (or didn’t request) your aid prior to getting your titan loot. Also, it’s unclear how much time you have to spend in there waiting for that titan loot. In the meantime you may have to switch either to your original alliance or to another so that your purple flags don’t overflow. Also, who knows how much time you have to pick your titan targets, sitting in chat rather than doing something more productive in the meantime.

Edit: Sorry, mixed up your posts. Anyway leaving my answer here, correcting for the mistake.

To reiterate, the advice given…

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Kk @Sarah2 you are absolutely correct here.

Still, one can make an argument, if the players cannot kill titans, they should be in a learning alliance rather than struggling with titans on their own.

I have literally merc’ed over 400 hundreds titans and have never been kicked before loot.

I explained that in my video on merc’ing. I do the kill shot, autoplay S1/17/1, collect loot, and leave.

I have no idea what is being said here?! Titan flags can’t overflow. Mercing uses the flags efficiently instead of wasting them sitting our own alliance.

Again, covered in the video. I never use chat. I just search for open alliances with a near dead titan and give the kill shot. It doesn’t take much time at all.


As a follow-up to that interview, I made a video just about mercing:
Why Merc? Important info for F2P/C2P and P2P!!! Empires and Puzzles Books - YouTube

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Others do get kicked out however. I hear such remarks from time to time. It’s probably because you don’t use chat for titan mercing, this is why you don’t have such problems.

Anyway I still think that the points I made in the original post should be first read and comprehended by any player who requests titan help - otherwise they should probably stay for a while in a training alliance.

I don’t even know why @Sarah2 resurrected this 4-month old topic which apparently very few read, and probably not many of those whom it was meant for.

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If you leave your alliance temporarily to merc, will the war chest be reset?

The titan wanted mission will also be disabled for 24 hrs?

The titans: Wanted chest is darkened for 12 hours. The only exception being is if that Titans: Wanted chest had been turned into an Elemental chest before you leave the alliance. In that case, there will be no 12 hours penalty - your Wanted: Titans chest will be ready for filling once you fill and empty the Elemental chest.

There is another little known fact here. If for example a player stays on the Map section (and not inside the base) and gets kicked out of the alliance, and joins a new alliance, again from the map section, never entering the base, the Wanted: Titans mission chest will not get darkened for as long as that player stays on the Map section. Once that player enters the Base though, at that moment the Titans: Wanted chest gets darkened and the 12 hour penalty starts ticking.

Don’t know about the War Chest, mr @JekylandHyde recently got 4% participation reward from his War Chest loot despite participating in all wars…probably he can shed some light onto that, I am also very curious as to why.


War chest/participation
No. Your alliance war chest does not reset. It is your war participation % that resets, that is, if you choose to participate in war at another alliance.

Note: If your alliance has matched for war, and you wish to merc during war preparation: You must return to your alliance back on time.

Once you press the ‘Leave’ button in your alliance, a confirmation pop-up will appear, and it includes your timer to return back. If you are late to return, you cannot participate in war, and this will impact your war participation %.

Titan chest
The titan wanted mission will be on a 12 hours cool down every time you leave an alliance.

Thus, it will reset (restart 12h cool down) again, as soon as you leave the alliance that you joined to merc.

I do not know about the exception Saros mentioned.


I hope you were invited. We were an open alliance, also for players with low level. We had to close because of unwanted mercs who killed our titan before all members could attack. ‘near dead’ is a matter of definition.


Couldn’t agree more, which is why I prefer the other form of mercing, where you practically pluck your own 1* from your alt alliances (all you need is a level 4 alt account to make a new alliance with a 1* titan).

Also this way players are still left with the dilemma of dealing with their own titans in some way, which IMO is way more helpful to them compared to a 2900+ cup mercenary arriving and slaying their titan for them. They basically learn nothing that way except that there will always be someone to do their work for them.

So long as i do not join the war with another alliance, my war participation % will remain intact upon my return to the original alliance ie my war chest rewards will not be affected?


War chest is only reset if you enter war with a different alliance. Titan mission chest is closed for 12 hours.


Truth be told, I was looking to find the videos you mentioned here…

Instead I stumbled upon this thread offering opinions dressed up to be advice :sweat:. Thus I offered my own opinion… As have others since then. I’ve found it’s the best way to garner valuable discussion. @SamMe on point, as always :wink:.

So, who is this thread targeted to, when the thread title literally states…
To all players who need help killing titans. I post merc requests on GC all the time. My home alliance never needs titan help, but my alt account is constantly helping alliances to defeat titans - I have a base to build and mercing gets those resources quickly. :woman_shrugging:t2:


They are in the F2P rebellion theme. And in other themes such as the recent ToL challenge. I really don’t know which one of my videos you need. Or you can look them up in my YouTube channel. BTW I am not a content creator or anything, I just make videos for fun.

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You specifically mention a video on the other thread. This was the video I was curious about. Quoting… Again.

I think something is getting lost in translation. Nvm - Have a good day.


Oh, you mean in the post that got flagged by staff? Here, I will give you the links. It is not one video. There are seven of them. Here is the link to the first one. If you have troubles finding the rest, feel free to ask.

FWIW I’ve been playing E&P since January '19, so I’ve learned a few things about the game and have been a regular forum user, nearly as long as that.

Yeah, I don’t think your videos are targetted towards me. No longer curious - Thanks anyway. Happy gaming.

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