Titans: Grades, Loot Tiers, and You

Lol I didn’t notice it was 3 daggers :grimacing: Thanks PM229!

I did a little research but didn’t find the answer. So would anyone know if the strongest titters are better than the weaker titans? Or are they the same and everything just depends on the performance on it?

@Kenzo361 I moved your question to a thread that can help answer it. :slight_smile:

Titan Loot is based on Loot Tiers.

The Loot Tiers available on stronger Titans are higher, so there’s more chance for better loot.

The top post of this thread explains how Loot Tiers are assigned, based on your Grade on the Titan.


And this thread goes into how those loot tiers affect your items you get:


3 daggers and a hidden blade. 4 rolls

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Updated & Final Results for the Titan Loot Project.

Now has fairly comprehensive results for WHAT you can expect at each Loot Tier:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Titan Loot Project - A Data Farming Project! Answering “What can/could I get from the Titan?”