Yeah unfortunately I never nailed down the exact scoring on an escape.
Basic titan scoring where T = Titan Level
Win: T x 400 = points received (I once saw a difference where it seemed like we got 3990 but never could replicate that, and the interface is buggy as hell for titan scoring anyway).
Ex: 8* kill, 8 x 400 = 3200 points agained.
Escape (approximate) = (T x 400)/2 x %Percent killed.
Ex: 8* escape, 60% killed = (8 x 400)/2 = 1600 * .60 = 960 points gained.
Titan decay, 5% of current point value: never saw any variation in this and is exact as for versions 1.6-1.8 at least.
That was the best I could do, the escape values were always slightly off but the numbers came out awfully close every time to that.