Titan Loot Project - A Data Farming Project! Answering "What can/could I get from the Titan?"

Cool! That explains

I love this forum :green_heart::turtle:

I learn so much everyday

Thanks everyone @Blem @DBC


I think it is a 1% chance per ascension material… At 14*… We have 4 ascension slots… So it is about a 10% chance that we get a 4* mat… With 30 team members… The titan is giving 3 4* per… Approximately… With a rare… I think that final slot is around 10% as well… So another 3… But in no way guaranteed.

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I’ve had the bonus drop from a rare titan 2 times now starting from January 2020 to this day (have been in alliances that whole time), so I wouldn’t recommend having high hopes with the bonus drop, but I hope you have better luck with them!


(post deleted by author)

There is no specific amount of 4* mats from rare titan, everyone have the same % chance to get it (it might be different based on your loot tier but Idk). So your alliance can get 0-X 4* mats (X - amount of people in alliance)

Alguém sabe me explicar como funciona a categoria de espólios dos titã por favor?

Please use English on this category.
(I have adjusted the title to have the English translation too)

Anyway you can find more information about it here:

What the topic says
I’m asking this question having 14* titans on my mind. I swear I saw statistics that had the probability of getting a 4* mat at 2,x% for B level and 3,x at C - I tried searching for that post but couldn’t find it.

If i promote a player from member to elder…do they get better loots, prices etc when killing titan?

Nope, loot doesnt affect any status in an alliance


Does anybody know what the chances are of getting the bonus mat from a rare titan? I’ve been playing this game since long before there even were rare titans and I’ve only ever gotten the bonus mat one time. It has been years since I’ve seen one. I’m starting to think that the bonus mat is a myth at this point…

Yea just don’t get A+ or A cause rewards for those two tiers are trash

lmao… my experience is the same :joy:

Actually there is a table (I’ll try to find it for you). It all depends on the level of the titan and your damage.

Can’t remember the last time I received it at the A or A+ grades. For whatever reason, I’ve found that receiving B loot is always better, even for the Bonus Mat. I even received the Bonus Mat at the C grade


You know that’s just a myth, and mathematically incorrect, right?


It is a mathematical illusion that the rate is lower for the A+ player. The rate is most definitely higher for the A+ player. It is just that the rate for not getting the drop is still much higher.

For example (not the real numbers). If the rate for the A+ player is 2% and the rate for everyone else is 1%, the rate for the A+ player is twice as high as it is for their teammates. However… the cumulative rate for any one of the remaining players is much higher than the rate for the A+ player. Taking our simplified numbers, in an alliance of 30 people with 1 person having a 2% drop rate and the remaining 29 having a 1% drop rate, the cumulative percentage drop rate for any one of the remaining 29 players receiving the drop is 25%, even though the rate for any single one of those players is unchanged at 1% and still only half the rate of the A+ player’s drop rate of 2%.


Never gotten one… in 18 months of play. So it’s too small a chance to worry about.

Look, I don’t think that people are seriously arguing that C/B tiers are better… just let us enjoy the irony of all the times we got better loot at lower tiers than higher ones without throwing maths around at us. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I once got a 4* mat from an escaped titan. That is exactly the number of times I’ve gotten the bonus mat. That’s a LOT of data too with me playing since before rares were even a thing and with a 3 year string of all 14* titans. I vent that irony to my alliance mates just about every rare titan but I still know that the odds are higher for me getting one from a rare lol.

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Do not forget that this is only a chance to get something. Everything depends on luck.