Time for new defense

Hey everyone.

Held off on ascending new heroes until the rebalancing was done, and now it’s time to make a new defense team.

Current defense is: Rigard+14/Leonidas/Santa+9/Ariel+7/Kingston+7.

Here’s a screenshot of my current 5* lineup. (I have mats to fully ascend one from each color, 2 purple)


What I’m thinking is Clarissa/Red/Telluria/Vela/Joon. The question is, which red? Is JF ok on defense, or better off to go with Mitsuko? Could a case be made for Santa, or too slow? Could Sif be a viable left flank? Lepus over Vela seems unlikely on defense, he’s likely to be next blue 80 after her anyway.

So many questions, and seeing the time & resources it takes to level the final ascension, I wanna avoid making any major mistakes.

for me, its defend your playstyle. i like offensif style for defend.

if you like ailment combo, JF better than mitsy. his ailment combo with clarissa and vela very good.

but if you like hard hitter, i’ll go with clarissa - Mitsy - Telly - Lepus - Joon.

I like the DoT damage of Clarissa-JF-Tell-Vela-Joon. The fire and water damage of JF and Vela will work well.

Went ahead and ascended Telluria, Vela and Joon. Telluria and Vela are on my auto farm team, so they get used all the time anyway, and Joon is for sure set to replace Leonidas when he’s done.

Was pretty sure I was gonna go with Mitsuko as red, but had second thoughts, so I’m bringing JF up to 3/70 atm. Will evaluate when he gets there, I suppose.

Thanks for the input.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t have enough maxed 5* heroes to be ascending purely for defensive reasons yet.

You’ll get far more mileage out of attacking heroes and you need enough attacking flexibility to fill your chest at the level your defence holds you at… There’s no point having a defence that holds 2500+ if your attack can’t win enough to fill that chest.

Mitsuko is an incredible attacking hero - does great against Vela, Finley and other great blues you’ll meet when attacking.
JF has his uses, but he’s not transformative for the most part, he can wait.
This is a no contest, Mitsuko gets the rings.

Vela and Joon are good picks on attack so that’s good either way.
I’m finding Telluria less useful in attack post nerf, but since you’ve committed tonics already it would be a crime not to max her now.

Think attacking with your ascensions for now - don’t think about picking for defence until you have at least 15-20 maxed 5*.


Quite on the contrary, this is exactly the type of advice I was looking for. Mitsuko it is then. :slight_smile:

I’ve been reading the warnings about going after 5* too soon, so I currently have 20+ 4* maxed. A bit low on blues, mainly because I got Ariel early and was in need of healers.

After these 5* are done, I’ll probably do a few more 4*, Gullinbursti will be first in line for yellow, as I don’t have a yellow healer at all.

Thanks for the advice.