Thoughts on Khagan's improvement? Max Khagan over Zim, for example?

So I was wondering what your thoughts are on Khagan’s new stats (320 damage to target AND nearby enemies). Do you think he’s worth maxing now instead of Zimkitha for example?

Zim definitely comes first.

Khagan is now great on offense and especially on PVE rounds where you can mana pot him.
Just pair him with AOE hitters and watch the fireworks go off.

Following, I need to choose between Khagan and Mitsuko.

I would choose Mitsuko myself, her blue counter is a bit niche but a good one. During wars I find she’s most useful. She can destroy some popular flanks and wings, like Isarnia, Magni and Alasie.

On defense, she will force opponents who attack you to double think bringing blue offensive heroes. It’s pretty neat if you have other red heroes in your defense team, although not necessary. Her skill also lowers mana, so even if there’s no blue heroes around she has a useful effect.

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I have the same red heroes, Zim and Khagan both at 3/70, waiting for my 6th ring. I have Khagan since almost day one lol so i have used him a lot before the buff. I have to say that now after the buff even if its at 3/70, on offence, its definitely better but i wouldn’t max him if i had to choose between him and Zim. That slow mana is still a pain.
Zim is so multifunctional and that cleanse on a 5* is awesome, won lots of raids because of that cleanse only, countering the devastating burning from Azlar or the blind from Justice, not adding into the equation the attack boost. The damage its kinda meh tho, i agree, i would have preferred a single target damage, like 300/330% but hey you cant have them all.

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