🧪 The Beta Beat (V43) – Updated Ninja Tower event and new Heroes, new Santa's challange hero and cosutmes, new legendary heroes (event unkown), Season 2 costumes, new S4 heores, new HoTm -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

So till now in Beta43, 5 stars heroes/costumes for testing:
2 Season 4 heroes
4 Season 2 costumes
4 Christmas heroes/costumes
3 new Ninja heroes
2 new event heroes
1 new HotM
= 16 heroes.
I am totally aware that some heroes/costumes may not be released within 2021, but still hard-working SG…

Silly question,
Someone with ursena already doesn’t get for free the costume right?

thats was their police with costumes so far.

For Jan’s hotm, makes sense for it to come to beta before the holiday break.

Also, would these 2 new Season 4 heroes wrap up the S4 roster? There are a total of 4 heroes remaining, if I’m correct, and 12 provinces left. So, this, in theory, should wrap up S4

This makes me want Balbar and Hanitra even more, to complete Nature and Holy HOTM hat-trick :blush: They could be great if playing them together in mono. Adding Malosi to Holy three is also great idea.

SGG still packing ‘em in “for us”. Lol

Sorry for the late update.
These are balance updates of previous Beta content:

I am starting to add a new topics now for the new heroes / costumes.


I really hope family bonus for 2021 heroes isnt high crit chance but something more marginal…
Compared to older HOTMS, they are already the strongest, so having one of strongest bonuses will to some extent exclude all the good stuff, which was made till now. 2017 having best elemtal links and good family bonus and slowly decreasing the newer the heroes are :slight_smile:

The topic for new Season 4 heroes is ready:

2022 January HoTM topic is now available too:

Season 2 hero costumes topic is now available too:


Unfortunately this is just how this game goes. Release an OP hero so everyone spends to chase after him/her… then release a counter so people will keep spending to chase after the new hero… and the cycle goes on and on.


Wow basically everyone get a buff :roll_eyes:
At this point I should be happy because Ruby didn’t get a buff oh well :frowning:


Many thanks @PlayForFun

For those of us without access to beta, these early info is very much appreciated. Thank you for doing such a great job.


Yeah. You can see lower numbers only for the Ninja, but that is now affect all enemies / allies instead of target and target and nearby.

Ariel costume and January HoTM Viscaro have recevied a buff. See more here:


@PlayForFun Do we know when LOTL will get her costume?

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What does LOTL stands for ?

Lady of the The Lake ?

I do not know if she will get a costume or not and when will she get it.

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Lady of the twenty Lakes

Lady of The lake. on the 2021 Sneak Peek banner, she was on the image with a costume

I am not sure what are SGs plans unfortunately :frowning:

just wondering is all