Maxing Vela brings me into a delicate point. I have to decide about relocating my druid emblems. Current state is c.Caedmon +18, c.Melendor+20, Kadilen+8. Full reset would bring me roughly enough emblems to get Vela to +18 and spare change, but it would leave my green setup almost worthless… Green is already my weakest color, with only Elkanen and Kadilen to show for it, so the emblems and costumes on Melendor and Caedmon are vital in this chapter…
Having Vela emblemed would allow me to retire Thorne+18 from my defense line and share his paladin emblems with Frida, taking them both somewhere around +10.
Better idea: retire Thorne from your sight until he gets a costume or something, and give Frida the whole nine yards. You can still use him unemblemed in a blue stack for what it’s worth, but the Frida/Vela 1-2 punch is straight nasty.
Regarding the rest, yep, I’d go for a full strip. All of those heroes are decent without emblems.
Interesting option, but with Quintus being my only purple AoE, it would weaken my dark mono team by a lot… not sure I want that… so far, Azlar serves as a decent 2500 tank, think Mits would do much better? I could always get some emblems from Gill-ra, whose only purpose is fast tourney tank.
after 3* for tourney until 9 (fighters until 7) - best to have an even hero power overall; by default s3 are stronger than s2/events and s2/events than s1
after 4* for tourney until 9-11 - same as at 3*
as a raid def i would go with:
joon - magni - mits - kadilen(dont like her, but she’s your best def green) - sartana