I’ve been running mono in Raids for a while.
It started as an experiment for curiosity, and I’ve sustained it out of laziness, despite boredom.
vs Kunchen
Inari - Vivica - Joon - Costumed Li Xiu - Jackal
vs Telluria
I’m still working this out. I’ve tried a few things so far, currently trying Scarlett - Boldtusk - Seshat - Jean-François - Rigard.
vs Gravemaker
I can’t remember the last time I saw Gravemaker as a tank, actually, but for red tanks I use Arthur - Kiril - Frida - Magni - Richard.
vs Guin
Proteus - Sabina - Sartana - Rigard (often Costumed) - Seshat
vs Aegir
Melendor - Evelyn - Gregorian - Telluria - Lianna
I used to use Buddy in place of Telluria, and Yunan and before that Little John in place of Lianna.