Tabards to Domitia, to Aeron, or wait?

Hi all,

I have 5 Tabards and expect to get a 6th from the Halloween event. So now I want to get everyone’s thoughts:

Should I max Domitia or Aeron now? Or wait until December to see if I pull Grimble (or maybe Obakan, Quintus or Sartana…?) I’m saving my Epic Hero Tokens for Christmas, as Santa or Mama North will add more to my roster than Victor. I also do 1-2 summons at least every Atlantis, so there’s always a chance I’ll get Ursena or Kage or a returning HOTM (leaving out Mok-Arr on purpose :slight_smile: ) and maybe Panther will come along…

My initial thought is to wait and see. Being a non-spender, Tabards aren’t easy to come by, and I don’t expect much luck with summons. I do plan to ascend my second Purple 5* in January, though, no matter what.

But I love getting perspectives here, as advice is generally quite thought-provoking.

Current 4* and 5* Purples:

  • Proteus +18
  • Seshat +3
  • Sabina +14
  • 2nd Proteus +2
  • Aeron 3/70
  • Domitia 3/70
  • Cyprian 3/1

Priorities: Titans, War, Raid offense.


My alliance is small and we’re only up to 4* Titans.

I currently bring Seshat / Proteus 1 / Proteus 2 / Sabina / Grimm for Yellow Titans. The Protys and Sabina have better tile damage than Aeron and Domi, and Grimm is there to reduce defense. At 4/80, both Domi and Aeron wil have higher tile damage than Proty+2, but Domitia’s Holy defense and skill will add more of course.

Raids / Wars:

Let’s talk skills.

I have several other dispellers and healers. But Aeron is my only hero who can cleanse and prevent status (no Vivica or Rigard yet :frowning: ) and of course Domi is my only Holy Defense up hero.

I usually run 3/2 on raids/wars. I could see either Aeron or Domitia making it into my 3 stack, probably over Sabina. Seshat and Proteus are locks. I already sometimes bring Aeron over Sabina, if I have a second healer and am facing enemies like Justice or Azlar (Aeron once won me a raid where Azlar fired!)

My full 4* / 5* roster:

  1. Purples:
  • Seshat +3
  • Proteus +18
  • 2nd Proteus +2
  • Sabina +14
  • Aeron 3/70
  • Domitia 3/70
  • Cyprian 3/1 (current project until I choose to use my tabards)
  1. Yellow
  • Inari +1
  • Li Xiu +15
  • Chao +3
  • Rana 3/70
  1. Blue
  • Lepus +3
  • Kiril +4
  • Grimm +9
  • Triton +6
  • Sonya +12
  • Aegir 3/70
  • Isarnia 3/30 (current project)
  • Boril 3/60
  • Agwe 1/1
  • 2nd Sonya 1/1
  1. Green
  • Margaret +1
  • Skittleskull +3
  • Jack O’Hare +9
  • Melendor +3
  • Gadeirus +1
  • Gregorion 3/70
  • Kashhrek 3/60 (not sure if I will max as I only have 5 Shields, what if I pull Caed or LJ?)
  • Gobbler 1/1
  1. Red
  • Sir Lancelot +14
  • Gormek +9
  • Boldtusk +7
  • Scarlett +9
  • 2nd Boldtusk +1
  • Colen 2/40 (current project)
  • Kelile 1/1 (next project)
  • 2nd Gormek 3/60 (not planning to ascend)

thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Personally I would wait. At least till after Atlantis and you see what heroes are being offered. I did that with my rings last month and got Grazul.

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After watching @Wormwood speed play a 6-raid win streak using Aeron on every team, I immediately wanted to get him lol. I would say he’s got more potential than the TC20 purple 5*s, maybe wait until after Atlantis this month and then throw some tabards at him.


I would recommend Aeron. I have him maxed and +4, and he is one of the most valuable members of my purple stack during raids. Even though he only covers 3, the shield is undispellable and blocks undispellable debuffs, meaning he can counter common defenders like Gravemaker, Zeline, Onatel, Kunchen, and especially defenders that only debuff like Natalya and Morgan.


I have fought aeron in diamond raids as well as Domitia. I have Domitia max at 4.80+7. She is great on offense and I know sartana gets the attention but domitia is no slouch. She hits hard though not as much as lianna or joon but around the same as marjana. The debuff is useful if you are using rigard since he cleanses. I know you don’t have him yet though. She only does 3 b but its very useful. The holy defense is nice too. What really helps is the evade from emblems. I took them from Scarlett and don’t regret it. When she evades a sniper its like them wasting a shot.

If I had them both I would likely go with aeron first though. As the previous posters said he is very useful. However, I wouldn’t wait to use domitia after that if you get more tabbards. I wouldn’t sit her to wait for sartana. I run 3 tc20 and am waiting for sartana too but I don’t regret using tabbard on domitia either.

Good luck.


thanks everyone, appreciate the replies, and as usual you have given me lots to think about!

I think I’ll wait at least until January. But I’m leaning towards Aeron over Domitia, and even if I get Quintus, Obakan or Sartana, Aeron seems like a better choice. Agree that the cleanse and shield are very valuable, and especially in Diamond there are lots of dangerous debuffers like Alasie, GM, Kunchen…

I’m also happy with Domitia so far, have used her in wars. Even if I go Aeron over her, she will get maxed eventually.

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