Interesting def…but yeah Joon is definetely better than Sonya…do you have maybe Buddy or another green hero to flank JF…I would stack blue against your defense and actually it wouldn’t get punished with two purple flanks…
Of course. Sonya’s importance is for dispelling and cleansing (if you have her costume) and very important on attacks instead of defense since you can control whem to fire her skill whereas the AI just fire them immediately when mana is full. Joon is a better defender. If the attacker does not die from his skill, they get blinded anyway, reducing their potency killing off your defending heroes.
I wish I had a strong green. I would put him smack in the centre. Why is the defense interesting? I have little John but his defense is bad and way too slow. Emblemed him up on attack instead of def. I also have kashrek with costume just got him. And the fast 4* green healer from Valhalla that only heals flanks she’s leveled but not very strong until I put emblems on her but she still would be quite weak I think as a tank. Telluria would have been amazing!
JF centre gives high defense against blues and defense status ailments he’s not really tanky but pretty good, To his left is healer and increased attack. To his right defense down. Far right Vela and far left Sonya to dispel.
I really do want a green in the centre I have horghall but haven’t fully ascended him because frankly he’s not worth it I’m hoping to pull a good 5* green like lianna if I get lucky but let’s see. Thanks for your response
Sadly no costume as yet one day maybe. Hmm that is a good point… you have given me something to think on I was keeping her as a dispeller. But your right cause of the AI may not work as well. Thanks!
He hits harder and even though you can’t pick who does what on D, blinding an opponent has no down side.
Conversely with Sonya your debuff really needs to be timed and even then the relevance is questionable. Debuff is Sonya’s biggest perk too. For example I usually active Boldtusk or Kiril the same turn I fire specials. Say best case scenario you debuff on your turn, the opponent, who has total control, has probably already fired their specials, especially first volley, and brought the pain.
It’s interesting because like you said normally here most of the people ask who to flank with Telli as a tank or Ursena or Guin…=D so a JF tank is a welcome diversity…yeah LJ is too slow and to fragile…but Kasshrek with costume seems interesting…not seen him since the costume is out but seems stronger as tank…one guy in my alliance has Brynhild as tank and stays in low diamond with her…my suggestion now would be…Rigard, JF, Brynhild/Kasshrek, Vela, another sniper…because Vela’s only real strenght is flanking a green tank…besides that she’s quite useless on defense…had her flanking Kunchen before Telli came out and didn’t stayed kn diamond quite long =D
Sorry for the late response! You are quite right out there I made the swap and am fairing quite well but still losing trophies. I honestly need a really good green tank. And horghall just won’t cut it. Hopefully soon
I like brynhild too but all my emblems are on guardian jackal and i wouldn’t wanna swap it for her. He’s incredible. And problem with having a kashrek as a tank is that jf wizard emblems can’t be used on him. It’s true Vela is better with a green tank but unfortunately no green 5* has dropped in my lap Haha other than horghall. I really like her but she is much better versus a ton of reds. I didn’t even try to pull tell. I should have tried harder she would have been wonderful to have. I see her as tank everywhere!