Thanks ahead of time for any thoughts! Just trying to make sure I’m using the best defensive team I can…
Note: 1 more scope until I can max another blue, likely Ariel.
Thanks ahead of time for any thoughts! Just trying to make sure I’m using the best defensive team I can…
Note: 1 more scope until I can max another blue, likely Ariel.
Tough call. An Ice stack could take out your entire Front 3 in only a small handful of Blue tiles.
I almost wonder if pulling JF and replacing him with Joon would be better, but with Joon at Right Wing, Eve at Left Flank, and everyone else where you have them.
To me, aegir is one of the worst tank of the game (at least for your raid defense).
I would do: Evelyn - JF- Clarissa- Joon- Alice
I’m thinking tanking with Clarissa might work
Perhaps Evelyn, JF, Clarissa, Joon, Alice.
Problem with defense now I think is if you kill Kage early, you can pretty much outlast the rest, not enough killing power
I think my suggestion solves that
Edit: we said exactly the same suggestion at the same time @Artamiss - Hilarious!
I would put in that order kageburado/evelyn/eaegir/grazul/joon.
JF therefore not because it does not have a direct attack.
Thank y’all for the quick replies! I used to the lineup that @Mothra first suggested. Regarding @Artamiss and @Infinite, I guess I never thought Clarissa looked all that great, but maybe the 30% special defense is the game changer on her? Also, do you think not having a healer would be an issue?
With Paladin skill and special defense buff she is pretty tough. This is a lot more aggressive on defense but I think would be pretty tough.
My defense front three used to be Mitsuko Justice Khiona, can’t remember the wings but no healers, and that held its own
I just think it is too passive at the moment, you could replace JF with Grazul but I don’t think she is a great defender
I disagree with @Artamiss about Aegir. A tight Defense/Health Talent Grid path makes him harder to take out even with a Nature stack, and if he gets his special off, the offense is more screwed without a buff dispeller charged.
Maybe @Mothra, but two good counters to Aegir are common 4* heroes, Caedmon and Melendor, which makes countering him a little easier, and as he doesn’t slow your mana you only need eight or nine green tile tiles to see him off
Evelyn - Kage (you want him to fire as many times as possible while enemies’ health is still greater than 50%) - Aegir - JF (can really punish a bad board more than you think) - Joon. That’s the best I see from your roster. Clarissa is also another tank option. Don’t flank Aegir with Grazul, never! That’d basically guarantee a win even with the worst of boards. Also give Kage a decent mana troop if you have one to maximize his damage/specials.
Depends on his depth in the Talent Grid. A double-digit emblemed Aegir won’t be a cake walk for Caedmon and Melendor, and a Nature mono stack still could get ripped apart by the attackers especially with a Red healer like Grazul.
Green have tons of dispellers and you can also reverse the links by using defense down (e.g.: Wilbur, costume tibertus, isarnia, etc.).
Also aegir special is too passive, you can just throw tiles at him until your hereos are charged it’s juste too easy…
I don’t find healers to be a threat in defense except in some particular configurations.
All true @Mothra
Perhaps I just like to see him because I run Evelyn, Lianna+18, Telly+15, Hansel +18, Caedmon +18. I do enjoy a blue tank with that crew of wreckers
Well, very few defenses would last against that many emblems on an offense. I’m sure you can find a way to take down an unemblemed Clarissa tank and JF+14 flank, as well, if you really thought about it.
My view was that you’d strip Aegir emblems and emblem Clarissa in that setup
I would go heavy blue against you with a dispeller(Frida/Sonya) and then just sink tiles into Aegir and kill him when my heroes are charged.
Because of that I think that Clarissa/Richard is a better option.
I would also remove Grazul and put Joon in.
Stripping emblems is a very big move especially when you consider all of the iron and food that is lost to pursue a “maybe” scenario.
I would at least give my idea a chance before we start throwing away a month’s worth of iron and food to strip emblems.
@Infinite I’ve got a nice green attack team, too. So I understand your thoughts… Aegir is 895 defense and 1561 health without troop and it would definitely be hard to reset him just because of how expensive he has been… a lot for me to think about here!
Do you use Mana troops, @Cameron_417? If so, that would give your defense a boost too.
@Mothra, Mana on all except purple. One constant I’m seeing is to get Joon back in.