What would be my perfect Defense Team? Can you help prioritizing?

Hi there,

I gathered a lot of heroes lately. Many 5*s so I have to prioritize. This is my roster:

  1. What would be your choice for the defense team (Raid/Allywar)?
  2. How would you prioritize at levelling my heroes in general?

Thanks in advance for any helpful comment on any/both of my questions or in general.

Mahamoti :slight_smile:

In my honest opinion, I would go with the following for defence:
Joon costume, Marjana, Ursena, Telluria and Misandra.
For next levelling I would do Vivica, Poseidon, Kunchen, Kadilen
And for 4* - Boril, Mist and Merlin
Good luck


Thanks for the input. I was thinking of something like: Joon - Kunchen - Telluria - jean-Francois - Misandra.

What do you think of this combination?

It’s all good. But personally, I find Ursena to be better in a line up than Kunchen. And Marjana would be my preference over Jean Francois.
Jean Francois is a good hero but a bit of a niche.
Telluria as Tank with Ursena and Margana in flank
Good luck


Kingston, JF, Ursena, costume Joon, Misandra. Should be good. Just give all the emblems to Kingston, and one of these days you can replace Misandra with a different fast blue that isn’t a fighter class.

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JF isn’t a niche at all idk what dudes talking about. If you can’t use Gravemaker, JF is clearly second choice for red flank. Maybe competing with kestrel only.

No. Marjana w emblems is hard to kill.

Any defensive suggestion that doesn’t have Telly at tank and Ursena beside her isn’t worth exploring further.

Telly w emblems is the best tank in the game. Ursena is the most OP hero in the game. The rest can be debated but those two are a no brainer

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Telluria is a healer, healer tanks are not that impressive. Putting vela next to telluria makes her a lot stronger than she really is. Give it a month or 2, telluria tanks will only be as common as Aegir tanks. People will go back to the yellow/purple meta. It’s just that telluria is new and shiny. Ursena is still the best tank in the game. And Marjana is just ok. Being rogue talent helps but her actual hit is again just ok. She’s a good wing, because of rogue talent, but she’s not a flank hero. JF is clearly miles ahead of Marjana as a red flank. Much more impactful. And using telluria tank and ursena flank will be a very slow defense team. Ursena At tank surrounded by fast heroes is just better. Especially that I don’t think this player has lvl23 troops for average heroes.

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Not even mentioning that Clarissa is coming out soon and she shares the class of telluria. Hmm green healer or purple Gravemaker :thinking:
Who gets the emblems :thinking:
Tough choice huh

It’s crazy to call telluria best tank in the game she’s like a week old lol
Ursena has been on top defenses for over a year now, she’s proven. Just like guin, she stands the test of time. Telluria is a good tank but calling her the best in the game after such a short time is questionable.

Zero said Telluria is the best tank he’s ever run by a mile.

She takes 5 tiles from a full red mono team to kill.

No other tank in the game takes 5 tiles from a tricked out mono stack to kill.
