Soul Exchange Decisions

But I don’t know what to do. I have enough for a 20. I’ve always wanted Mother North and Lady of the Lake, but I’m not sure what to do.

Current defense:
Fogg LB+20
Tristan LB+20
Rayne LB+20

I have 5* mono teams in each color. But I do not have a maxed 5 healer* - the only 5* healer I have is Vivica and I don’t have a costume.

I’m not sure if MN would take Fogg’s place on my defense team, though I don’t have a healer at the moment. Sif, however, would slot right in.

For context, I am FTP so summoning chances are pretty limited.

What seems like the best for my team?

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I would go for MN.

Heroes who can revive are game changers. LotL would be nice to have, but MN is the one who can entirely change every battle both on defence and on offence.


MoNo. Revivers are game changingly amazing. If I didn’t have Alby, I probably would have gone for her.


If you don’t have 5* reviver I suggest Mother North. I have Heimdall and C-Alberich so probably will go for LotL or Loki but if I didn’t it would be surely MN. Plus she also heals, though her healing is limited.

Can I jump in on this thread? Same question. What does my roster need most? Not all dupes are pictured/ listed. I can do a 15 exchange easily, 20 is a stretch.
Screenshot_20220530-100742_Samsung Internet

I have Alby, and still went for MN. I had always wanted MN and she eluded me. I plan to run Alby + MN together on my very fast war defence.

I have chosen sif. Because I have already a lot of healers. Lotl, Guinevere, delilah, kiril, gullinbursti and nadezhda who can also ressurect team members. But have Ludwig as tank so the mana boost from sif would be good addition.

In a vacuum, considering your roster I vote for BK. However, I’d probably stick to a 10/15 hero since 20 would be a stretch for you. :thinking:

Care to advise on your mats and emblems? :face_with_monocle:

Man, this just makes me want to vote for BK again since you’ve got enough mats and possibly a lot of barbarian emblems for him. :sweat_smile:

But maybe you prefer a damage dealer for first red 5*?

Any of the choices jump out for you?

I don’t knooow. So tough! I was thinking Grimble but I don’t have a single trap tool. LotL but I have so many greens already. Devana but I have a lot of yellows. I already have Ariel the other 15 didn’t really tickle my fancy at all.
So then if I stretch and go for 20, I don’t have enough S1 and dupes… I’d have to throw in someone like Aegir. BK makes the most sense for mats and emblems… I can try for Mother North at Christmas… Loki is fun but would he be game changing for me? Probably not.

I think tier 2 could be the hardest to choose from. :sweat_smile:

I do think Grimble would make a very good addition to your roster. I’ve only heard good reviews on him. Wonder how he’d work with Xnol? :face_with_monocle:

With your set up, I’d probably go LotL. I think she has a better heal and her minions cause far more havoc than MN’s Skadi feeders. After the last SE there are plenty Skadi’s in the wild and there will be a few more Grimbles. LotL may well serve you a lot better overall too.

Just one player’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses:

With all the minion makers running around Grimble could be a solid choice. Great thing about him is that you don’t need to limit break him to get the best from him. His use in removing minions remains the same whether you LB him or not. I have him and I take 4 slow and tanky heroes with him, dump tile after tile into every minion maker on the opposing team to make them get 15 minions on the board, then unleash Grimble, everyone on my team suddenly charges to max mana (Including grimble), then fire all in the approriate order. Game done pretty much :smile:

In short, Grimble would be a solid choice

Game Well :sunglasses:

Very tough decision…

Hard to choose when I already have
Kunchen, C_Khagan, Lepiota, C_MN, Lord Loki (2)

So for me it’s either… Ariel, MN (2nd) or a 3rd Lord Loki

Ariel is an amazing healer and mana booster
MN (and with the costume I’ve already have will be a Christmas miracle)
and Loki (a hero that never gets old!)

I feel like a Grimble → Penny combo might be pretty mean. First your minions evaporate, then you still get punished for even having the ability to summon more.

Damn, i really dont know if i wanna do this. They are all bench warmers/ dupes, so theres that. But it feels weird. I almost wish i could donate the useful ones to someone who could use them lol.

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