Am I crazy to pick Sif in the Soul Exchange?

I picked BK on my main and it was an easy decision since I needed to clear roster spaces and had all the others in the 20-tier. I’m trying to decide who to pick on my alt account and I’ve been scratching my head over the last 6 hours :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Of all the 20-tier choices, I’m only missing BK and Sif. From the other tiers, the only ones under consideration are Kunchen, Norn and Ariel. The rest I either already have or have no interest in.

I think BK is the better hero of the two but the thing is I have so many good red heroes in queue that I don’t know when BK would get attention (Elizabeth, Emilio, C. GM, Lewena, Zenobia, Asterius, etc). I also already have Kara and C. Krampus who are both still unlevelled but will receive love one day.

I was considering Norn but most of my top heroes are sorcerer so she’s never going to get emblems.

I was considering Ariel but I already have so many top healers like Xnolphod, Director Zuri, LoTL, C. MN and Diaochan. Don’t have any blue healers except an unlevelled Alexandrine but I also have heaps of great blue heroes queued (even more than reds).

I was also considering Kunchen but similar reason to above and I already have an unlevelled C. Roc for DD at average speed if I ever need one.

Which brings me to Sif. Seems like most people are saying she’s okay but not worth the 20 souls and clearly the worst choice in that tier. But given I’m lacking good yellows, have no 5* counterattackers, and have plenty of rogue emblems, would picking her make sense?

Alternatively I just skip this round and wait for the next one? Any help is appreciated!

  • Sif
  • Kunchen
  • Ariel
  • Norns
  • Black Knight
  • None

0 voters

I don’t think you’re crazy. I have Mother North and Lord Loki and am honestly on the fence about whether to take Black Knight, Sif, or nothing at all. I’m aware that Black Knight is probably the overall superior hero, but Sif actually complements my roster better. It’s a tough call.


sif is still a solid hero, i use her all the time, especially against sniper heavy teams

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Oh sounds like we’re in a similar boat then. I’d love to know who you end up picking when you make the decision :thinking:

Sorry all I need to redo the poll, forgot to include Ariel :sweat_smile: If you voted earlier, please vote again!

Of course not. Only you know your gamestyle and your roster. Only you can 100% think what would suit you better, my dear.

Enjoy your new blonde girl. She’s amazing. I would pick her too in a different scenario.


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I’d say that there’s probably about a 75% chance that I take BK, 25% Sif. I would like a second taunt hero (in addition to Krampus). I have a 3/70 Kara, but only 7 darts. If I take Sif, I either need to hold off on Kara or wait for 5 more darts to take Sif up. I have a ton of rings though and can emblem and limit break BK. If I did BK, I’d still have the darts to use on Kara or another yellow project. There’s a lot to consider here, lol. I wish that SG would cut the cost of the soul exchange in half and let you choose more than one!

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Im in a similar boat. Of the 20-tier i already have MN. Loki and BK look like they are top shelf but i have a lot of red and blue heroes on queue. Although i have enough mats and emblems for BK, I just pulled Kara so not too sure about BK.

This leaves me with the choice of lepiota or sif. My purples are already solid but only have 1 or 2 on queue. Sif is solid but i havent really gotten into playing with riposte heroes. So, Im leaning into Sif, a character that i would just likely take to 3/70. This is really a hard choice for me.


Thanks for sharing your dilemna. I know you have a lot of blue heroes on queue but LoLo being one of the best heroes in the game, do you think he is better than some of your other blues? Anyway, your reasoning behind Sif makes sense to me. Do let me know how you go with your final decision :slight_smile:

I have sif finished and I NEVER use her

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I’m kind of now leaning towards BK or Ariel, as I think the utility of those heroes I’d be more likely to use. I also think Ariel is better than Alexandrine and I can’t imagine myself pulling much in Atlantis. BK I think will pair amazing with Wilbur as I’ve heard.

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have chosen sif. Because I have already a lot of healers. Lotl, Guinevere, delilah, kiril, gullinbursti and nadezhda who can also ressurect team members. But have Ludwig as tank so the mana boost from sif would be good addition.

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I think Sif is amazing hero. Imo she is best used against aoe hitter’s, not snipers. Because she can dodge those sniper hits, but aoe hits only she can dodge but the other 2 near her will counter attack then. So her emblem class doesn’t fit her at all, but it is what it is. Also the reduced damage is amazing, because it comes only for the damage you take, but it counters the full damage to attackers. And her mana increase is nice. I used her on last time’s W3K war hit and flanked Alfrike and Franz to both sides of her, they charged relatively fast then. So just flank average+ heroes near her and you get the most use of that. VF+Fast heroes don’t gain much from that.

But with counter attack heroes you have to take hit and some people just don’t like to play like that. Remember though the -50% damage reduction. She and the heroes near her will survive a lot better with that even though if you take a full load of hits.

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Oh congrats on making that decision, I think she’ll definitely compliment Ludwig well. Wish I had that guy!

Thanks for sharing the info, I actually haven’t had much experience with Sif so I didn’t know that she dishes out the full damage and not the reduced amount - that does give her an edge over some of the other counterattackers. You’re right though that she’s better off being a different class other than Rogue.

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Sif is fine… but on defense… I bring costume Sabina… and it pleases me so hard when she goes off and nothing happens…

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