I have 507 Sorcerer emblems. This is getting a bit silly. What the heck should I do with them?
My roster of available sorcerers:
Starting with the non-maxed 4* or 5*:
1-50 Quintus: no plans to max him
3-60 Sabina: she’s in line behind Proteus #3 (and Quint to 3-70)
2-50 Cheshire Cat: meh, and further back in line than Sabina
3-60 Skittleskull: she’s in line behind Little John & Melendor
This brings me to 3*:
3-50 Chochin
3-50 Jahangir
2-15 Gill-Ra (in progress)
Since it looks like the 4* and 5* aren’t going to be happening on the Sorcerer line, do I dump a bunch of emblems on 3* for events and tournaments? I have a deep enough bench of 4* that I never use 3* for wars anymore, so it seems a waste to emblem up 3* just for events & tourneys.
Or just keep saving them up for “someday” when I’ll get a 4* or 5* Sorcerer that I want to max? I took a peek at a list, and nothing looks particular likely to show up, but who knows? I do Atlantis pulls every so often.
Only option in the four/five area is Sabina. Better than a third Proteus in my opinion, but depends how many maxed healers you have.
If you already have lots of healers then maybe put some on the threes, it would probably be Chochin for me, Jahangir is too niche. But if it isn’t Sabina, I’d probably keep them
I don’t find myself using Sabina very often, even in wars, because I do happen to have a bunch of healers. I have the following that are leveled up to 3-60 or higher:
Kunchen (4-80+4)
Two of Boldtusk (4-70+7 and 3-60)
Two of Kiril (4-70 and 3-60)
Rigard (4-52)
Sabina (3-60)
I had been focused on Proteus #3 being the next ascend from 3-60 because I have a Lvl 17 mana troop, and it has been so awesome having Proteus #1 at +19 talents, since it drops him from 10 tiles down to 9… and that is amazing.
But realistically, even though Proteus #2 is just a couple levels from 4-70, I don’t even have enough Wizard emblems yet to get him to +19, so having Proteus #3 maxed and emblemed is a long, long time off.
So Sabina is probably the most logical choice. I’m sure I will use her more often in wars if she’s 4-70 with emblems instead of 3-60.
Yeah I’m not a big fan of your options but you gotta bear in mind you can always reset and for the time being, Sabina is clearly your best option. Her tile damage makes it a simple decision considering who you have to work with. I did it for the same reasons and have no regrets. She’s much more likely to live long enough to help and, providing you go the attack route, well you’re already used to her dying, at least her attack stat is through the roof. I split mine between her and ghost girl and use them, primarily, for the same thing. Again, why waste them on the shelf when you can up a purple healer to a massive attack stat?
Sabina is a nice dispeller. I’d finish her (despite your long bench of healers) and emblem her. And it’s not like you can’t reset her emblems in the future, once you decide to emblem another sorc.
I’m also using emblemed Jahangir in some tournaments.
In terms of four stars, go with Sabina imo. If you are gonna do a 3 star, then do Gill-Ra. Make her a debuffer/cleanse tank. I take her into my dark stacking on titans, raids, and campaign stuff. She has never let me down.
EDIT: Forgot to mention I have her at node 19 rn. Saving up emblems for that final node.
I built my Sabina defensively. I have 2 purple stacks I use in wars… Rigard +18, Khiona, Seshat, and Sabina +19, Khiona, Sartana. I have no issues putting emblems on some 4 star healers.
I have all my 3* heroes +6. Those 3 of yours I have them too. I use them only at rush attacks. I would give them some emblems. But of course, Sabina should be the priority here, asap +20. She is one of the best healers in the game because of such many heroes with heavy buffs. I even consider to do a second Sabina +20. The correct path should be only def/HP.
Why not just use them now on something worthwhile? It cost a lot to emblem up a hero but you can always get 95% of your emblems back by pressing “Reset” if you need to for a really modest number of gems.
OK, thanks for the feedback everyone. Based on this, I’m going to push Sabina to max next (Proteus #2 is at 4-68, so it will be soon!).
I took a closer look at the talent grid and I compared numbers of “max attack” vs “max defense” and while the Attack rating can get really high (794), the defense/HP route results in roughly 48% better survivability - which seems critical for a healer & dispeller.
I normally only go to +18 on the talent grid for 4* heroes because the 19th & 20th are so costly. I think maybe I’ll do Defense on the +19 node, but the mana boost at +20 seems like a waste to me because I have Proteus who needs my Lvl 17 mana troop, and I don’t see rolling without him in a Purple stack… I guess maybe in war… Hmm…
Maybe a +19 or +20 Sabina would make me hate Guin a little less.