Hello guys could you tell me what hero should i focus to level up beside Missandra
In my honest opinion. For your 3* rainbow teams I would focus on:
Valen and Gato
Namahage and Nashgar
Brienne and Belith
Balthazar and Chochin
And for your current 4* it would be:
Li Xiu, Sabina, Gormek, Scarlett and Gadeirus
Good luck
I would add mnesseus and tyrum to the list… and finish berden.
and, I would ascend Kiril 1st before Missandra to tier 3…
But finish Missandra to 2.60 and stop for a while there, until you get another *4 blue best heroes like Grimm and Sonya.
For your 3* you have Bane and Brienne maxed. You need more.
Finish Gan Ju and Tyrum, Gato for first 3* rainbow.
Second I’d choose Valen, Balthazar, Belith (a healer is important), Namahage, and Kailani (for the spirit link).
As additional help you could also max Nashgar, Chochin, Berden
Then start on your 4*'s. You may have more options by then.
Get a base of 4* built and THEN start maxing Misandra.
I completely missed Mnesseus there! He is also a good 3* option.
Are you fighting AW?
What does AW mean? I have so many hero at level 1 and i really don t know what should i do,to max everyone to his color or take one by one and max them with hero of any colour
Same colour feed and do 10 @ a time do the same for 1 hero of each colour using the suggestions that have been made 3* to get you started.
AW is alliance wars
AW = Alliance War. You have to be level 12 to participate, and you have to be joined in an alliance. Once participating, you set up a defense team. It’s like raiding except there’s special rules in place and no turn limit. You can only use each hero once per attack, you get a total of 6 attacks per war (3 at first +3 more after the 11h mark).
I prefer leveling heroes with the same color 1* and 2* heroes. Gives +20% more experience. And level up 1 hero of each color at a time. You’ve already got some great suggestions about who to focus on first
Another thread on why leveling same color is better over the long run (with some exceptions that only apply to higher level players): Rainbow feeding vs same colour feeding which one? & why?
Yeah i do alliance war but i didn t know that you mean to that,thx for your help
@Goanga Nice roster! I did a few pulls early in my game and tried to skip over leveling most of my 3* if I had a 4-5* instead. I felt 4* would be more durable over the long run, so why bother with 3*? Obviously my thoughts and feelings didn’t matter and the game forced me to go back and level my 3s because I needed rare ascension materials. I felt like I was taking a step backwards. But really after a short time and several maxed 3 later I realized just how much better the game becomes from having a deeper bench, starting with maxed 3*. And then because I could score higher (get better rewards) in AW, Titans and finish the rare materials events, I could easily shift back to the 4* ready to ascend.
I most enjoy Titans, AW, and the 3* tournaments lol. In AW I only need to finish leveling one more group of rainbow heroes in order to have 6 teams of 5. If I had skipped feeding those 3* I would probably have 4 solid teams at best because 4* take so much longer to level than 3*.
TL;DR Focus on leveling the suggested 3*, it’s fast and will help you get the rare ascension materials needed for the 4*-5* faster.
ETA: I don’t have Misandra but I do have a maxed and emblemed Kiril. +1 for maxing him before Misandra because Kiril will save your teams many times in the time it would take to level Misandra.