Sif or Malosi?

Hello guys, I currently have Sif at 3/70 and an unlevelled Malosi, trying to decide between the two. 3rd Joon is also a possibility but I’d rather try something new. Malosi seems like he could be useful at vfast speed blocking buffs and debuffs from tanks like Telluria. However, I’m not going to strip the emblems from GM and give them to him. Sif’s skill looks very interesting to me but, of course, she’s average. However, I have a bunch of rogue emblems to give her since she would be my first maxed 5* rogue hero. Who would you give priority to?

I’m a huge fan of riposte, so I would go with sif. If you need a offensive hero more than a defense one, you should go with malosi. it depends on your roster and your priorities…

I need more input to give a good answer…

Honestly, I’m not sure, they just both seem to be useful in different ways. I’m leaning more towards Sif as she seems she might be of use both on defense and offense. Plus she’s already at 3/70 and I can give her emblems. I could use an alternative tank, I suppose. My main tank is Kunchen. I wonder how these two go together, what if I put Sif as tank and Kunchen on the flank?

I think Malosi is fine without emblems if you are only using him for offense. I’ve been using the 3.70 version mostly around the 2600 cup range until I get the darts. He is probably my favorite offensive hero to use right now, but I also have mana troops and Jackal to go with him. Sif would be better for defense. As a side note, head to head Malosi totally shuts her down, Iove using him against her along with Aegir, Bk, JF, and a few others who do absolutely nothing when they fire.

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Sif is a beautiful flank to Kunchen tank. That’s my defense. Be sure the other next to Sif could use extra defense and a mana boost.

Offense? Defense? what are your needs?

I am a dart away from being in this same boat, but both of mine are sitting at 3/70.

I am trying to develop a better defense for raids and for war. I have some options, but I leaning towards 3/70 Aegir to run as tank, C Rigard +7, and Sif/Malosi on the left in that order and 3/70 Kadilen and 3/70 JF on the right in that order.

I ran some story missions with both Sif and Malosi today, and liked both lines a lot. But even if I used these lines as defense, I am wondering if I should ascend Malosi first for a little more fire power. With Sif, in that lineup, I really just have Kadilen’s damage, JF’s dot, and Sif’s counterattack if I use her instead of Malosi. Is that enough damage for a defensive team facing a raid to deal out by the AI?

Sif, by far. She makes 3/5 of your team better and in defense is fantastic, with reposte, faster mana generation for 3 and damage reduction. She can integrate well with everyone.
A member of my alliance has her, the improvement in his war defense was evident.

Malosi is nice, his special is very useful but it needs to be controlled to be efficient. Also, the damage is meh

I think you’ll find Sif more versatile. Malosi is very good, but needs a very specific job to do.

With my line up below, is that enough attack for a defense? I have a few other options to throw in. Costume Richard, Thoth, Obakan, and a few others. I don’t want to double up a color, but my existing defense has double purple, so I am not opposed to subbing someone in for Kadilen.

C Rigard +7/Sif (w some level of emblems/ 3/70 Aegir/ 3/70 Kadilen/ 3/70 JF

I can likely try it out…I am working on Aegir this week. Once he is 3/70, I can try to see how that defense holds up too.

I have same question (I’ve got Malosi x2, Sif, Joon and Vivica-C). Sif looks like improved version of Boril or Cyprian. I rate both pretty low, they are too easy to counter.
Malosi looks like decent counter to all nasty buffers/debuffers (and Sif too).