🔵 [Sep 22, 2019] Trials of Fortitude Teams – Share Yours & Discuss!

Fortitude and Piety Trials with Friar Fu-, er Tuck boss are the worst for me :stuck_out_tongue: I feel that tbh!

Having healers as bosses just means that it’s going to be a long battle. Same thing for Avalon, particularly the Legendary tier, which I beat but maaaan it took a long time (and a forum search of topics 2 weeks ago will reveal that a lot of players had trouble with that event too for the same reasons)


And here I thought I was being bad by calling him Friar Suck, which I christened him before class trials were even a thing. (When he’s your only healer, you love him at first, and then you learn to hate him pretty quickly). But you’re right - on stage 3 of Piety, I’m not even going in with a thought of doing anything less than carpet bombing. The only question is how many items it takes. Thankfully, Tuck is in the middle, so you don’t hit him with many stray tiles. I hold Leo and Li to cut his mana when it gets over half, and then, when he’s hopelessly about to fire, unload the arsenal.


I left it separate initially because it was more of a complaint/rant thread, but it’s evolved into being duplicative of what’s happening in the main thread conversation, and is useful information for people to reference the next time Trials of Fortitude comes around — so I’ve merged it now.

Thanks! :heart_decoration:


Nastiest Trial?


But Fortitude is one of the nastiest Class trials if you do not have a single hero ( blue 4* Boril) and good luck with the first few boards.

So this could be just about Fortitude’s nastiness.


Piety sucks.

Nuke them from orbit!

Boss Boril is also in Piety. Boss Boril plus Boss healer sucks because you cannot even mutual destruct against a counterattack boss so the counterattack boss will be healed.

Wu Kong’s big weakness is counterattack bosses so he can hurt more than help especially with Boss Joon being yellow.

Counterattack bypasses Wilbur’s defense buff and shared damage can wipe out your entire team if Gambler’s stance active.

Titanium shield is useful against Boss Joon, but not Boss Boril or Boss Friar Tuck.

The only anti reflect damage/ counterattack hero in the game ( Ameonna) is a sorcerer and banned from both Fortitude and Piety.

The best anti defense buff hero in the game, Kageburado, is a barbarian and banned from both Fortitude and Piety.

Counterattack Bosses

There is no Boss Cyprian.

So Fortitude and Piety only counterattack bosses for class quest.

Both have Boss healers.

Both bar Ameonna and Kageburado.

Cleric Boss Vivica and Cleric Boss Boril both have mana shield.

Monk Boss Friar Tuck has withstand.


Yeah, I can definitely see that from the first few posts. By the time I got around to reading it this morning, it had turned into a full-blown strategy thread, as well as team composition, and seemed like it was duplicating what would normally be found here. Also, hopefully it will help the OP see what the community needs in general to finish all three levels of the trial.


Ever since I reach level 30, not even once I fail to beat the last stage. Even when I only have below 2300 TP, I still have a way to beat it. There are a lot of options to win:

This one is my first trials of fortutide completion with only 2400 power:

This is my recipe:



The topic merge ate my draft. Only recovered:

Stop hitting yourself

Like Wu Kong/ Tarlak / Miki, Ranvir is not great versus reflect damage/ counterattack enemies like Boss Boril in Fortitude.

No Healer Boss

Trial of Nature also lacked a Boss healer so missing colors have less impact.

Stop nuking yourself


Ranvir+ Ramming Pulverizer + Crit buff against a reflect damage/ counterattack enemy NOT good unless you have Hunter’s Caltrops and lucky RNG.

Remainder of post lost to merge.

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Perhaps I did just get lucky, then, as I hadn’t really considered this. Also, the rest of that team is Melendor and Caedmon, so with a decent board, dispelling Boril isn’t a huge issue.



Lucky and skilled.

But something to keep in mind.

If you time Ranvir, and healers, it will lessen the impact.

Plus Rigard and Melendor two of the strongest healers in the game.

Depending on the titan, I have deliberately held Gambler’s stance until the last 30 seconds while I let my healers, and other heroes, get mana and use special skills on the titan. Too early and too many misses for special skill like defense debuffs.


Dispelling is considered an attack, so Mystic’s Virtue/ Gambler’s stance can cause it to miss.

In addition, both Melendor and Caedmon charge from the same color mana making lack of green on the board more of a problem. Unlike Rigard and Melendor who charge from two different colors of mana.


Mystic’s Virtue/ Gambler’s stance last 5 turns ( forever for such a powerful buff ) which can make the timing more difficult.


I forgot to take a screenshot but this was the best I had…

Once again i limped through the last level trying not to use all my health potions (i did) and keep everyone alive (i didn’t…rip bb groot) for the boss fight. Once i got to the bosses i rained fury and death upon them with items until there was little left save their shadows burned into into the dirt. A couple shots with caed and a cascade from ranvir and it was finished… plucky little hawkmoon even survived, though i fear the effects of the radiation will leave her future a little less bright.

I look forward to the day i can complete these without carpet bombing, but in the meantime I’ll enjoy using them emblems on caed and hoarding the rest.


I’m still learning about how to best use Mystic’s Virtue. I received Wu Kong very late; He’s still at 1^1, and I’ve never once used him for anything, so Mystic’s Virtue is my first time managing this kind of special. Maybe I’ll eventually level Wu for monk class trials, but I have Ranvir for everything else. (OK, maybe not for star-restricted raid tournaments, but that’s pretty niche.) Besides, I’ve got a lot of yellow priorities ahead of him. Thanks to a lucky raid chest this weekend, I’ll be ascending either Onatel or Vivica soon after Shiloh this week, and I still need to level Chao, as my ranger stable is even weaker than my monk stable.

All good advice, though, regarding riposte and Mystic’s Virtue. I’ll try to keep it in mind going forward. Twenty WE is a lot to waste on a failed attempt!


Carpet bombing

Carpet bombing seems more common for Fortitude and Piety quests since it bypasses counterattack, defense buff and prevents Boss special skills from charging.

Counterattack plus healing

Fortitude and Piety are 2 of the 3 class quests without a Boss HP buff in v20.

For Fortitude and Piety, perhaps a mention in the top post of Boss Boril plus Boss Vivica/ Boss Friar Tuck is especially nasty since counterattack plus healing very powerful for Bosses.


Fortitude does seem to be an especially unbalanced class quest given the colors allowed, heroes allowed, their availablity, and the rarity of 4* ascension items.

Carpet bombing may be the only path for a large number of players.

Classic 4* heroes


But this seems a very specialized team to defeat one class quest.

I use my second Melendor a lot.

Do you use the extra Caedmon a lot besides this class quest?

Do you think Boril is vital to this team?


This was the team and items I used. It was more annoying than hard. The green stacking killed Boril pretty fast, after that I targeted Horghall, had to use Rigard or antidotes to remove his defense down. But once he was dead, it was pretty straight forward. As for the emblems and trainer hero, I am just hoarding them for now.


@Alicat Yeah, trials of Fortitude really lacks the heavy hitters. Outside of the nature element, very few druids are non nature. And if they are (looking at your bacon Ranvir!), then they are either a HoTM or in the Atlantis or other event summons. If you can pull Mnesseus, Caedmon, Horghall, Melia, or any of the few offensive druids, then they can definitely make this trial easier. Hopefully by the next time this rolls around you can get some of those that I mentioned.


Did it with:
Ranvir +3
Rigard +11
Hansel +1
Gadeirus 4/35
Melia +16

No problem at all, only Melia died in last boss fight since she is a bit squishy for that. Took some axes, bombs, mana potions and revival scrolls.


To show how annoyed I am with this trial, I am contemplating leveling Boril just so I can have him for this.


Well, if it gets you to level Boril that’s a good thing. I’ve found that he’s a pretty useful hero in a number of situations, but I barely spend any money at all on the game.


I have Cyp +11, no need for Boril except for this trial…


Is Boril even useful for this trial? I don’t find him useful to kill Vivica/Boril…

I left my Boril at 3/60 and I don’t use him at trials anymore…

I would rather spend some bombing items like I did before I had my 3/60 Gafar.

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I’m grasping at straws, here. I don’t care for Boril, but he seems a fair counter for the Ent. You are right that he is worthless against Viv and Boril though.

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