Trials of fortitude not for smaller accounts

Trials of fortitude not for smaller accounts

I’ve been playing since May I think and haven’t had the greatest pulls. Many thus far have been healers, linkers or deflectors. Recently I’ve gotten more hitters. I played the final quest of trials of fortitude where you can only use red, green and blue heroes. Unfortunately my option for a team left me with Melandor, not fully ascended, Hawkmoon, fully ascended, Boril, not fully ascended, Agwe, which I got last week and is 2nd chevron, level 7 and lastly Minesseus who I got recently level 11 first tier. I’m saying this so you’ll understand my frustration.
I get to the end and take out Boril, the other guy and that just leaves Vivica. At this point my small little hitters are gone and left with Boril and my healers. Have you ever tried to kill a healer with healers and tiles which do no damage? I kid you not, I played for 40 mins or about going in circles. I deliberately killed my team, used gems to get my hitters back and tried again. Between all the purple and yellow gems I got repeatedly, she healed I healed, and around and around we go. My hitters weren’t strong and were taken out, so I tried just damaging with Boril’s Reflection. I tried to miss and fill up my mana, but one line at a time in the game gets you no where.