Seasonal summon worth it? Or wait for Atlantis?

Are there any top-tier heroes even in this summon? Thoughts?

Yunan is an amazing tank.

He has the second highest victory rate on defense in the game. That said, I don’t really care for the sand heroes that much. Plus, your defense team really isn’t that important as long as you can stay in diamond. Unless you are a whale, I’d say you are better off waiting for Atlantis. Save those summons. That’s just my personal opinion. I plan to do a couple of summons because I want the 3*s. I’m not chasing the 5s


Remember. Epic hero tokens don’t work in Atlantis.


I’m waiting for Atlantis to Summon, and then using my Epic Hero Tokens for Sand Empire — the question is timing.

If I get Tarlak or Ranvir from Atlantis, then I’ll use my EHT in July to have a shot at Seshat. Otherwise I’ll use them in June to try again for Ranvir.

So for me personally, the answer is both Atlantis and Sand Empire, but with different means — Atlantis Coins and probably gems for Atlantis, and EHT for Sand Empire.

I personally don’t think Sand Empire is particularly worth using gems on. The Appearance Rates for Seasonal Heroes are pretty abysmal, particularly for 5*.