Help with rosters

I am struggling to figure out my best defense team in wars, who to work on, who to replace, and the optimal position (left wing, left flank, tank, right flank, right wing) for each of these heroes on their team.

I would also appreciate some help in my best attack team for a well-rounded team (titans, raids, wars, maps, quests, etc.) to keep me focused on progression.

I have spent some money on the game, but I only wish to do VIP and maybe some summons occasionally to try and get a more optimal lineup.

So here is what I would like help with:

  1. What is my best defensive lineup (ignore power as I can level cards to catch up and haven’t invested much into any of my cards yet), and in what order? Which of these heroes are worth leveling, and which ones should be replaced by someone better?
  2. What is my best, well-rounded overall attacking team?
  3. Which heroes (from the entire hero pool) are the best for defense because they are the hardest for people to deal with, and in what position would you put them on your defensive team (I’d like to know which heroes I should keep an eye on and possibly spend a little money hoping to get lucky)?
  4. For fun, what would be your five heroes and the lineup if you could create your best defensive lineup for wars?

I believe it is ideal to have a rainbow team, but I also realize I have two pretty strong purple attackers.

Thank you ahead of time for your help.

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  1. Your best defensive line up (For standard raids) depends on which arena you’re currently battling in. You seem to be quite low leveled so it may be best to work on your epic and rare heroes. Toons and those with at least one costume would be sensible to work on. Xiahou Dun should also get some attention. Play the game, use your heroes and you’ll work out who is good, who is not and who should go where as a lot depends on the synergy of your whole team

  2. No such thing. You should build your attack team to counter what you’re going up against so your best attacking team will depend on who you’re attacking. As an example, minions are great for many reasons but rather pointless if your opponent has a Lunar New Year hero or 2 in their ranks

  3. You don’t have the heroes that most would find “the hardest to deal with”. This will also change as you climb the ranks. As such, for now, work on your toon heroes and costumed heroes

  4. In my opinion, there is no “one size fits all” for war defensive teams.The different war rules make it so different heroes will shine depending on the war. As an obvious example, in rush, your slowest and most devasting AoE heroes are usually gonna serve you better than fast/very fast snipers (There are exceptions to this rule).

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


I have seen enough and played enough of these games to know that you need specific cards to counter other specific abilities. I don’t plan on spending a lot of money to get all of those “counters” and cards, so I asked the questions I asked.

I appreciate you taking the time to explain what I know to be true in this game. However, I’m looking for some advice on which cards I should focus on given what I have, what cards (#3) people find tough to deal with, or what their “dream team” (#4) for defense might look like so I can see how they might synergize their team.

Thank you.

Toon Vivica. Maybe Odette. That is all

You don’t have it, don’t want to spend the money to get it and are very short on options in the Legendary (5*) realm. The best you have in that realm are who you already know. Odette, Vivica, Scoria, Hatter (He’s your only green) and you can pick between your 2 purples. Both are decent so dropping Hatter to fit them both in would not be a terrible idea.

With that said, my original advice still stands. Focus your efforts on your Rare (3*) and Epic (4*) heroes for now. If they have a costume then level them as a priority. The only exceptions would be Xiahou Dun and maybe Ana-Belle. I can’t see any of your Rare heroes so I can’t give any input there.

The long and short of it is you’re too early in your E&P adventure to really be worrying too much about raids. You’ll win some. You’ll lose more. Nothing you currently have will change that. Worry more about completing events, Quests, Map stages and Titans. These will give you the materials you require to level your current heroes up and the summon tokens to maybe get some more heroes. I’m sure having seen and played enough of these games you already know that.

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


As @Blem said: Work on the 3star heroes for now, when you get the necessary ascension mats move on to 4 star heroes. Do at least 3-5 of each color and rarity. Collect the mats necessary to ascend 5 star heroes while you do that.

By the time you are ready to deal with 5star heroes all the 5star heroes that are great right now will be outdated, so don´t worry about that.

For now you can simply build your defense team by team power. It´s not important for the start. In raids you probably want to put up a bad defense, to get easier enemies for your offense (which you need to win for the various paths etc). For war I would use: Zidane-Demilune-Vivica-Dreadstar-Scoria. As I said highest TP is worth more than having a rainbow in that low region.

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I appreciate the time you’ve taken to respond to both responses. Based on your second response, I can see that it is going to take a long time to upgrade my heroes to a higher level.

I’ll continue to work on some of the 5-star heroes while working on some of my 3- and 4-star heroes since they don’t require as much upgrading. I am new to Stronghold 15, so I’m hoping that once I get to 25, perhaps I will get materials more regularly to help progress my heroes.

Thank you.

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