Rigard or Costumed Rigard?

  1. the attack of a healer doesn’t matter
  2. HoT is supposed to be used with a direct healer.

Sorry, no. It was just a general reply

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I dont know why, but I dont like Rigard that much. Got my after Proteus was almost level 20 talent and Tiburtus was 4/70. He`s on 15 of talent and is, a low tile damage, my nerves dont like him at all. With mana troop 13 and is always a low damage when I need him most. And he dies before fire his special.

I need advice on Rigard.

My advice would be to configure a team so you aren’t relying on his tile damage. If you’re running purple dominant 3/2 or mono, you should have ample damage generated by the other purples. If you are using him in the weak color of the stack, you should be counting on the strong color to knock out the opponent, and the weak color is a safety valve for healing/cleansing.

If you’re attacking with rainbow, I’d encourage you to stop :grinning:


I use him most in wars, and he doesn’t help…
The better question is: how improve him.
I not use rainbow other than defense.

My roster, a unlucky 11 months c2p level 46 player, with ascension mats for one, two 5s since July, but with 5s only in this December.

Well as I said, his tile damage should not be a concern. You should be relying on other heroes for offense.

If you have 1 rigard for war, you want to save him for an attack where at least 2 of the 3 front defenders apply status ailments to your team, so you can make the most of the cleanse.

I think the costume is vastly superior. Costumed, Rigard is now a viable titan hero in an element with very few buffers. I disagree that HoT is significantly less effective than direct healing - each has their place to outshine the other and I feel they’re roughly commensurate, overall.

If you max his costume I think it’s actually a level 5 mana troop to bring him to 9 tiles, which is nothing (clearly the issue is simply whether or not you HAVE a purple mana troop).

He’s so powerful costumed that I think they moved him to the Ranger class to balance out his improvement a little bit. It’s better for him than Barbarian and maybe Wizard, but any other class would have been better and possibly too much.

The only place where I think his non-costumed version would be better is against a Guinevere tank.


Cleric, Fighter, Druid

I think the cool classes ( cleric, fighter, druid ) have plenty of good healers for class quests.

Monk, Ranger, Sorcerer

The Devs seem to be using costumes to add healers to other class quests ( monk, ranger ) and more healer colors ( sorcerer ).


Trials of Survival ( Barbarian/ Rogue ) is now the only class quest without a Classic 4* healer ( if you include costumes).

Perhaps Kiril will become a Rogue like Boldtusk became a monk.

Both Rogue class quests have red mobs and bosses.

Barbarian already has a strong Classic 4* blue with Grimm.

The Great Yellow Whale ( apologies to Herman Melville )

They also used costumes to add hitters to some class quests with a lot of utility heroes ( looking at you Trials of Fortitude)


Dapper Rigard is better in most usages than cleric Rigard excepting maybe defense. His heal over time is a larger amount than the percentage in most instances (a hero needs to have 1450hp for it to break even, since 609 would be the heal at 42%). He still cleanses, and if course one has the attack buff.

On defense cleric would be better, and the immediate bulk heal is situationally more useful.

But in general, Dapper is better.

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Dapper Noble costume is better imo.

Ranger is definitely an odd class for a healer but that aside, the attack boost makes him good for titans and for fighting bosses.

You can use both Sabina and costume Rigard together on offense – one for the direct heal and the HoT you to soak up hits afterwards.

Always take the Dapper costume. Cleric Rigard is reactionary. You end up holding on to his cleanse until it, or his healing, is needed. If you end up killing all the debuff defenders then Rigard becomes a lot less useful.

Dapper Rigard can be used proactively. If you charge up your hitters or line up a tile cascade, you trigger Rigard’s attack buff and fire away. His healing arrives on later turns and tops off the health of your team. Rigard (either version) works best as the utility hero outside of the main color stack. If you go 3-2, 3-1-1 or 4-1 this is where he excels as support for the main hitters.

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But that is not how I use Rigard.

I use Cleric Rigard to keep my 3x color stack alive until they get enough mana to destroy the enemy

It would be cool if you could switch between base Rigard and costume Rigard at any time when attacking.


Click for notes


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I did not have much use for Rigard until I got the costume. Now he’s a permanent member of the purple team, along with costumed Tibs, which, pre - costume, I, also, almost never used. Now I’m about to start embleming Rigard and I’m a bit puzzled as for which path to follow. As I’m gonna use the costume 100% of the time with this one (I have another one 4/70 if the cleric is ever needed), I’m thinking to follow the max def / HP path of the costume for max sturdiness. How about that?!

It’s less useful than average, but you need only +8 to get mana boost.

He won’t replace my Khiona (even if only buffing three heroes, but placing her accordingly), so not the only one, but a good an affordable one for sure.

Getting the mana node over the defense node at node 8 looks like a mistake to me. With the costumed version you only need a level 5 troop to lower a tile, so better to get the defense bonus instead for survivability.

  • you won’t be able to get an extra tile down (down to 8) from getting the mana node
  • if you don’t have a mana troop, that 2% from node 8 won’t help you to get down to 9 tiles.
  • so, the only thing you can achieve with that mana node (excluding the use of other mana boosting heroes like Misandra, Ariel…) is to require only a level 1 mana troop instead of a level 5 one. Totally recommended to level that level 1 mana troop to level 5 and get the defense node instead, though!

This node was taken for original Rigard.

I’ve got only 3x 4* stars troops from 80+ summons and 0 dark :frowning:

This is what i call rigard!

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Can you show me your talent path on this costume Rigard @GiantGac ?

its all mixed up - i diid it at early days of talent grid, so i didnt pay attention. even with that i keep him on my main defense team and nanage to stay above 3600 pts

Is fine if the talent grid is mixed up, I like the stats on the C Rigard You have so I was asking to see your grid for reference. @GiantGac if you don’t mind sharing I would love to see it.