Research Training levels again?

I have two training camps at lv 20 and am trying to bring a third camp to level 20. I thought that once you researched levels within your training camps, each subsequent training camp you don’t need to research the hero training? I can swear I only remember researching level 20 heroes once (it took 7 days) and my second training camp once up to level 20 then had that same ability. Now though, on my training camp that is level 16 it wants me to research the ability to build lv 14, 15, and 16 heroes (and I imagine that will continue right up to lv 20) before I can train them? Maybe this has already been discussed somewhere, but I wasn’t able to find it. Was this a change with the latest update?

You have to research every different level (if you want to use it) If you have previously researched level 20 then it should be unlocked (once you reach it) But if you haven’t researched previous levels then they won’t be unlocked. I egnored many of the later levels since you can level past them without researching first.


@DBC is correct.

The message you are seeing from your in-progress Training Camps will have a generic unlock until you reach certain level type message (e.g. Legendary training at TC20). Since you already did the Legendary research, your other up-and-coming facilities will just have to reach the physical building level in order to start the already researched training sessions. This will be the same with the Forge. You probably were a little too busy to realize this was the case on rolling out your first 2 TC20s and when things finally begin to slow down a bit, you start taking a notice of these things (e.g. actually go ahead and click into the other non-max TCs).

I’d imagine if each of the Training Camps or Forges had its own individual research progress that needed to be done, it would likely create an uproar from players.

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Ahhhh, you’re right! I skipped a few levels of research in my rush to get to level 20, hence why it shows I still need to research them. Thanks! Much appreciated!