Is there any reason apart from OCD to upgrade all four training camps to level 20? I have one at 20, one at 19 and two at 11 and that meets all my needs for feeders.
With the new buildings coming, does anyone know if one will fit over an existing building like the forge does ( I am assuming it would be a TC rather than another building and that it would require a level 20 building since that is more of a worst case scenario)?
I have 4 at 20 but that is definitely OCD/nothing left to level. I would recommend 2 running at 20, 1 running at 11 and 1 running at 2/3/19/11(dependent on mats and food available). But it does depend how many heroes you are trying to level, how many normal 4* you are missing and how many normal 5* you would really like to have in your inventory + how often you farm for recruits mats and food.
It’s possible, but we don’t know yet. The buildings and upgrades haven’t entered beta yet, and Tim said they were considering a variety of options in the AMA.
My personal situation is that I have a huge bench of excellent 4* and 5* in need of feeders so I run most at extra low cost and one jumps between, 1, 2, 3, 19 and then extra low cost to build up recruits. I don’t run at 20 any more so the question is really about the upcoming buildings (too soon).
I’ll probably bring the TC19 to TC20 since that is just four days and wait on the other two. OCD is strong…
I have 2xTC20 available, because that’s one hero per day if I decide to go that route. But I have enough 4* and 5* that I only ever run TC 1/2/11/19 right now.
I followed Kerridoc’s suggestion and am leveling up the forge under the barracks too…don’t have enough mats to produce tornadoes with all the iron so found another destination (temporarily).
Better to have and not need, rather than need and not have. If you’re at the point where overflowing with iron, may as well upgrade some buildings. Especially if, as mentioned above, you’re still working the iron missions.
I’m currently on my very last building — 4th Forge going to 18, done tomorrow. So relatively soon I’m going to be totally out of useless building upgrades to burn iron on.
duplicate 5* heroes for trade ( 2-3 years) shards ( ? ) and Hero Academy ( F2P friendly, may create troops, may use duplicate 5* heroes).
I really have little else to do with my food and recruits because of the paywalls and merciless RNG.
Note: Dev Tim recommends NOT keeping duplicates so they may be useless ( Hero Academy only uses Hero Academy dupes, Hero Academy uses zero dupes, I quit before trading is added ).
Stronghold 24
I would have been fine with 2x TC20 and 2x TC11. Especially with Stronghold 24. Stronghold 24 really is weird.
I am only gonna have two at TC 20 to better my chances at 5 stars as I only have one. I will be running the other two at TC 11 to generate feeders. I have about 2 months worth of food and recruits in both of them rn on my main profile.
Fwiw, I might start running TC20x3 after November in the extremely likely chance I don’t pull anything great in October/November. Going to do some chasing after Kingston and Evelyn and hoping for some good spillover as a result, but given I’ll probably only do a single x30 pull in November’s Atlantis, pulling amazingly are long odds.
So after the inevitable disappointment, TC20x3 is the best odds of getting a Lianna and/or Joon for me, since that’s what I’m hoping for.
Even as a c2p/f2p, I find out two tc20 is more than enough. Hence, I’ve got both running 24/7 until Joon and Sartana comes around.
With the other two tc13 and tc11 producing the feeders.