Well, it’s been close to a couple of years I have been playing E&P and I’m always looking for new way’s to keep it fun. For me the more things there are to do the more fun I have so I’ve really enjoyed the increased activities within the game. Along with that thought, I have found a new mentality when it comes to raiding. Re-roll until I find a monster opponent. I love the challenge and experience I get and when I am Victorious there is definitely gaming satisfaction. So in other words I am not so much looking for an easy win ,but a more satisfying win. This twisted behavior has not affected my ability to stay in the diamond tier and has made what started to become mundane really fun again. Here’s to battling with you soon and have a great day!!!
This is mostly how I roll as well. The only difference being is I now use my revenges in this way. Mostly it’s a much higher TP than me who takes 13 cups, so I take 50 back. I always take the 3 tries if needed. It’s not only helped improve my raiding it’s gained me many cups. I do have streaks where I get wrecked several times in a row but it’s normally works out in my favor overall.
I just find your raiding will only improve if you take on anybody. It forces you to figure out how to beat all the combo of heroes. It just shows you what you need to improve on your own team as well.
I agree whole heartedly, The revenge factor is fun and strategically sound. I’m sure some would disagree, but you can lose 13 cups twice then gain 50 and you still come out way ahead👍🏼
All this is true. I am slowly reaching the point where I reroll less and less when raiding. Mainly I reroll to ensure I fill my chest with the flags I have left.
Plus it gives you that cushion to learn how to deal with all those Guinevere tanks and GM, Alby, Kunch flanks/wings.
I used to never revenge. Then learned that it was the best, and mostly only way, to fight those high TP opponents and not lose a ton of cups.
I reroll just for one reason. When I see the win would bring me more than 20 trophies. No matter how strong is the opponent, I look only at this aspect. So I reroll till I find opponents which give me 10-20 cups. In this way I keep the trophies below 2600. And if I am lucky enough while I am offline, they will take from me on revenge about 200 trophies. And another super easy and quick heroes chest begins, from 2400. But sometimes I had no luck at all and been attacked by noobs all night long and in the morning found over 2700… Fml…
That’s the spirit. Congrats.
It is a normal situation for someone close to the top at the end game phase.
My raiding criteria depends on whether or not I have an active raid chest.
If its active I try to minimize risk and reroll until I find manageable opponents to make sure I go 6/6.
If its not active all I look for is an opponent that will give me the most iron. As soon as I find an opponent over 15k I take them on no matter the TP.