She is gorgeous! I spare no resources and no emblems spent on its development. Strong, versatile. This girl is fire!

She is gorgeous! I spare no resources and no emblems spent on its development. Strong, versatile. This girl is fire!
and feed the rest of the hero’s/costumes you already have leveled…
Went over my head. I’m a little slow
Rana looks to you)))
after you hit your credit max and you FINALLY have the hero you want, you have a lot of trash to feed to your beloved new shiny hero’s
@ArktikaTF I like my Marjana too)) She is better than some HoTMs)
Ohhh nicely done. Forgot about that one. Thanks.
Got it lol yea for sure
I thought you meant I’d eat my already leveled and costumed heroes so i was really confused. Didnt know if you thought I’d rage quit or somethin like that.
I get it now though lol yea 100%. Luckily i have magni and domitia and a few other heroes who still need costumes so hopefully the many pulls will result in at least somethin i dont have, but we’ll see
Interesting. How comes that you didn’t spend emblems on Marjana but on a screenshot she is emblemmed to 18th level?
@SuuriKoira she is also Russian as us, and I think than she means than she do not regret any spent emblems on her)
I could guess by a screenshot.
Makes sense.
And of course you have a 1.3% chance to dodge the monthly interest charge
I said I didn’t regret spending all those emblems on it! Perhaps you just don’t understand me. This is why I rarely participate in discussions. Google translator doesn’t seem to like or understand me )))
@SuuriKoira @rilian Да, ребята, я русская ))) Ну, гугл транслит такой косой, что просто беда )))
Sucks btw. Hopefully somebody can provide some help with that
@JonahTheBard is very nice and never refuses to help when I ask for his help. But I can’t continue to bother him with trifles. It’s not beautiful
I heard there was trifle?
Yea Arktika is havin translation issues
Said you typically help with that