So a couple of weeks ago I was leveling up Tibs, I had him at 3/something and had the keys to ascend him and finish off my ramming pulverizer trio when I drew Rigard…
Knowing how revered Rigard is and having the other two pulverizers maxed, also only having one other 4* healer (Kiril), I switched to Rigard after getting Tibs to 3/60. I had Rigards skill maxed by 2nd ascension so started power levelling him when out pops Proteus…
I have 7 keys right now and Morlovia is coming up. I’m currently thinking the plan would be to get Rigard up to 3/60 and then switch to Proteus and take him all the way followed by Rigard. Purple is my weakest Titan stack. Current line up is Wu 3/60 Tibs 3/60 Balthazar +9 Cyprian +10 Balthazar 3/50.
Any advice appreciated.
May the RNG be with you always