Priority for ascending Heroes

Hi folks,

need help, for few weeks i was blessed with several 4* heroes.
Altough have a very nice set: PROTEUS(+7)-BOLDTUSK(+9)-SONYA(+11)-WILBUR(+3)-KUNCHEN(3/70), also got full maxed CYPRIAN; LI XIU, BOLDTUSK; LITTLE JOHN(+7) and LEONIDAS(3/70).

Ascending Heroes:
CHAO (4/23);
TIBURTUS (2/23);
COLEN (1/22);

New for Ascend:

Put in order as i intend to ascend, as CHAO is nearly at MAX.

So what are your opinons for pryorities in ascending?

thaks for the tips

I like Gad a lot. He is slow mana but he can be used on many different encounters.

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Personally I’d finish Tiburtus and move to Cademon. Chao is close but LiXiu is more useful IMO.

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It depends what you are looking for, defence, Titan, war, trials etc.
At face value for me it would be Tiburtus, Caedmon, Colen, Gadeirus and then Li
But it makes sense to finish Chao given that he is as 4/20

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Finish Chao. Then move on to Caedmon, Tiburtus, and Li Xiu. At least with Chao, Li Xiu and Proteus you have the ultimate triple threat for mana control.

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If i understand your post correctly, you already have a Li maxed, so Chao is the next logical step.
Tibs, Caed, Gad, Colen.
By then depends on what you may get.
That’s what i would do.
Have fun.

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Thank younall for your replies!
So Be it
Max CHAO, then Finish TIBURTUS, then CAEDMON anf for last COLEN
Indeed with PROTEUS+CHAO+LI XIU the mana control is awsome! already try it on Avalon and the bosses wont launch there specials :slight_smile:
cheers All!!! :wink:

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Don’t forget Gadeirus- he is an ok tank with emblems and pack a punch against the Titan. Good luck

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You should do rainbow leveling.
Yellow feeders to Chao, reds to Colen, purples to Tiburtus, greens to Gadeirus.

I wouldn’t work on second Li Xiu, leave her at 1-1 and after you max Chao, give yellow feeders to a 3* yellow hero.
You don’t have a 4* blue project so you should either feed the blue feeders to different colours or work on a 3* blue hero.