Hi I started a few weeks ago. I wanted to know which heros to keep and level up to be placed on my team and which position for regular quests and raids.
Which heroes to scrap since I have limited space. I have an extra Colen, should I use him to level up my Original Colen or should I have 2 on a team?
Looking at your Melia and Aviana, and seeing their levels, you seem to favour critical hits. So, to make your tiles more powerful, you should probably colour stack yellows (the more heroes of each colour you bring the greater the tiles’ damage, 7x damage if you go full mono, which is to say use 5 heroes of the same colour). Imo, Gan Ju is a better long term prospect than Bane, as mana cut doesn’t get blocked by Toons, cleric / monk immunity, or buffs, but blind can be. You’ll need a healer for the map seasons, as constantly using items to heal drains your resources. Aiding your damage, the defence down from Grimm pairs nicely with critical hits, as does Greg’s mega minion (Greg being your best hero until you find the 6 poison darts to ascend Aviana).
Long term, you want to save your pulls for the costume portal because that opens up your existing heroes to greater power levels.
If you don’t mind playing more passively, Cyprian (imo) is your second best 4*, as him and the nearby allies will return 125% of the attack to sender, meaning you can take down bosses way outside your league.
Using two Colens would certainly pack a lot of firepower, but would need a lot of tiles to charge as they’re slow heroes. You probably don’t have any mana boosting troops to speed up his mana gain, so if you wanted to raid with them you would need to either use them in a team with support heroes (healers, cleansers; anyone who helps keep you alive long enough to fire), or go mono fire, so with enough red tiles you can rip through opponents.
For the first weeks/months of the game you need to focus on the 3 star heroes, as you do not have the necessary ascension mats to max 4 stars and even less 5 star heroes. Also because you need 30+ heroes to play wars effectively you need to get as many heroes as fast as possible and 3 star heroes really help with that as well. Later on you can slowly replace them from your war teams, but you will always keep using them in the 3 star events and tourneys.
So for now put the 4s and 5s on hold (you´ll hit the wall with them soon anyway, 2-60 for the 5er and 3-60 for the 4s). Always max all the costumes (even if you don´t like their skills, they will improve the stats of all versions of the hero), so start with Melias costume, then max Bane. In green finish Belith and then continue with Mnesseus. In blue it doesn´t matter so much. Karil and Gunnar will be a staple for events later on (when you find their costumes they will get a lot stronger than they look right now). Valen is more of a tourney hero. I would start with the hitters. In red I would max Azar first, in purple Balthazar (again both will get much stronger with costumes later on, but they are useful right away)
You can get rid of all the duplicates, also Dawa and Greymane are among the worst heroes in the game. In general Classic heroes will always come by again, no big deal if you get rid of those (even if they are not duplicates, so only keep the ones you plan on maxing) However for the start where you are right now: Consider keeping at least 30 heroes (again: for wars) even an unleveled 3 star hero can be useful for a clean. It is definitely worth investing gems in an extension for the roster. You will do so many times if you keep playing the game, may as well get started with it right away.
For team building: For now simply use the 5 heroes with highest team power and put them in. Guess the easiest would be to pu the strongest one (Aviana) in the middle then the weaker ones aroud her.
For offense you want to stack a color (so 2 or 3 heroes of the same color), for example Aviana, Melia, Bane and then add some healers/supporters in other colors to keep your damage heroes alive long enough to kill things.
Thank you for the thorough answers! I’m still new to the game and I was LUCKY to get 1 5star. I read through the forums and noticed a lot of members recommend have duplicates. Which duplicates do you recommend in the 5,4,3 star categories?
I don´t recommend any duplicates. Especially none of S1 heroes, as you will get them again before you need them.
Duplicates are for far more advance rosters than yours, like for example if you want to specialize on 4star Challenge events you can have 2 or 3 C2 Colens. Or if you really want to go for MythicTitans, you could max 2 or 3 Nordris for the red one and Busters for the green one.
But again, this is super niche and absolutely nothing you need to think about right now.
And don´t bother thinking about duplicate 5 star heroes unless you plan on spending tons of money.
yeah, duplicates just if there is not anyone usefull to level up (i would prefer healers for elemental quests, im playing for 2 years and i dont have 5 healers in each color so far, at least not leveled up, fortunately first few levels there can be done even without healer in team)
at least for (master)emblem weakly quests its good to have wide spectrum (different classes) of heroes