Please help me choose my next hero to ascend - ICE

First off, I’m leveling Ariel regardless. I’ll most likely do her first because I can take her anywhere and I need healers badly. So no issue there.

My problem is between Quintin and Lord Loki.

Quintin is reliable and extremely useful. His skill although cleansable, it’s not conditional. Whoever you hit is going to die if you can give the team damage in the next few turns. I can use him almost anywhere on offense, but on defense I think he’s lack luster.

Lord Loki is super cool and fun to play with, but I ran into some issues I didn’t foresee befor pulling him and using him. I cant use him everywhere, if the team is passive, yes I could build a team around Loki that could handle that, but I don’t think he would be the best option given that circumstance. I think he’s best when he steal an AOE hitter because when I use a sniper, I can only snipe back at that hero. No clue why I didn’t realize that before I pulled him lol. So I feel he’s just more limited BUT he’s also incredibly cool and useful, just not universally so.

My personal conclusion is to do Ariel now, and I’m sure with the offers I can get Quintin done in the next few weeks. I’ll have 4 scopes left after I do Ariel. So what’s your opinion? Hold off on Loki and go with Quintin, or at I missing something here? Appreciate the help, you guys/gals always help a lot when I can’t decide. Cheers!

Do you have Thorne? If so, don’t use telescopes on him.

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Continue with Ariel?

  • Quintin
  • C.Ariel
  • Lord Loki

0 voters

After Ariel

  • Quintin
  • Lord Loki

0 voters

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Don’t have Ariel. I do have the others and they’re both fantastic. Quintin is a star against really strong teams taking out the biggest threat. Lolo against Ludwig, Alfrike, Congalach or a healer in a pinch but I’d do Quintin first.

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If you need a good blue healer, Ariel. Otherwise, I’d pick Quin.

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Loki, always Lord Loki

Lord LOKI…… hes a gem

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I love Ariel(especially C-Ariel), but Quintin is absolutely a must to do first, IMO. He’s obviously not as useful on defense(same for Loki), but on offense, he’s an absolute game changer.

If you do Ariel first, then I would absolutely do Quintin next. As you note, if he hits, whomever he hits is going to die and more often then not, they’re going to die while you’re killing another hero.

I have all three and for me it would be cAriel and then Quintin.

LoLoki is fun but not as dependable as Quintin and neither one of them are great on defense.

Lord Loki would be my choice 100%
I have him +20 and LB
Take him on offence and he can be anyone you want him to be


Another vote for C. Ariel then Quintin. I don’t have Ariel’s costume but I use Quintin on every attack team that includes a blue.

I´ve seen videos of Quintin and wow. I´d pick Quintin right away if it was me :blue_heart:

But I suspect Lord Loki can do it all - and will be best, given where you probably ‘are at’ in the game - he can copy any hero up there, and be so powerful. Good luck deciding!

On second thought, I would like to change my answer to:


I agree with your approach.

@nonserviam1 @Gwniver appreciate the feedback and lol! So I just maxed Ariel, it was the most prudent choice. But 100% Quintin is next unless I pull Milena from the magic portal. Given my luck in that portal though, it’s highly unlikely lol. It’s my absolute worst portal.

Anyway, I’ll get to try her out during this war which is cool. I’ve been playing with Loki and Quintin a lot lately to help me decide. Quintin is just so reliable and strong. I’ve pulled away from snipers, but he’s pretty much guaranteeing you a kill, that’s a bit different. I also just maxed Lewena as well so now I have two ravens to pair together yay!

As far as Loki, he’s slightly situational and there have been times he’s actually been a liability for the team. The hero you want to steal also has to stay alive. If you expect to steal a heal and the hero dies, well you didn’t get what you need and the other enemies you could steal from may not be what you need at the time. It’s so interesting, I wanted him so bad but he’s not exactly what I thought he was.

Again, really appreciate you all posting in here!

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Have fun with them all - what a blast it sounds like :partying_face: :heart_eyes: